Insistent Images
Insistent Images presents a number of new departures dealing with iconicity on the conceptual and the structural levels. On the level of structure, the interface between different aspects of iconicity, lexical meaning and grammar is discussed in reference to both spoken and signed languages. Novel approaches to aural iconicity investigate a wide range of phenomena from phonological iconicity to the role of iconic features in discourse, in the nineteenth century practice of reading aloud, in the almost magic incantations of fin de siècle poetry and in Tolkien’s invented languages. Several papers examine the function of iconicity in visual and avant-garde poetry, where iconic features allow a reduction of means, which, paradoxically, generates textual diversification and complexity. A discussion of iconic text strategies shows how texts are comprehended through iconic holistic transfer from complex natural and action patterns. ‘Liberature’, which integrates text, image and physical space, is another novel area of study, as are the investigations into the iconic properties of film and of multimedia performance. Film is intrinsically iconic, while at the same time being, like photography, indexical; in multimedia performance, on the other hand, iconicity functions intermedially by both integrating and reflecting processes of perception and conceptualization. These last two new fields of inquiry further enhance this truly interdisciplinary volume’s explorations of icons as ‘insistent images’.
[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 5] 2007. xiii, 361 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface and acknowledgements | p. vii
List of Contributors | pp. ix–xiii
Introduction: Insistent ImagesChristina Ljungberg and Elżbieta Tabakowska | pp. 1–14
PART I. Iconicity and grammaticalization
Putting grammaticalization to the iconicity test: A cognitivist perspectivePaul Bouissac | pp. 17–35
Iconic thumbs, pinkies and pointers: The grammaticalization of animate-entity handshapes in Japan sign languageWilliam J. Herlofsky | pp. 37–53
PART II. Iconicity and the aural
The physical basis for phonological iconicityKeiko Masuda | pp. 57–71
Reading aloud and Charles Dickens’ aural iconic prose styleTammy Ho Lai Ming | pp. 73–89
Iconicity and the divine in the fin de siècle poetry of W.B. YeatsSean Pryor | pp. 91–102
Is lámatyáve a linguistic heresy? Iconicity in J.R.R. Tolkien’s invented languagesJoanna Podhorodecka | pp. 103–110
PART III. Iconicity and the visual
The beauty of life and the variety of signs: Guillaume Apollinaire’s ‘lyrical ideogram’ La Cravate et la montrePeter Gahl | pp. 113–127
Forms of restricted iconicity in modern avant-garde poetryJohn J. White | pp. 129–154
Eco-Iconicity in the poetry and poem-groups of E.E. CummingsEtienne Terblanche and Michael Webster | pp. 155–172
The language of film is a matrix of iconsStrother B. Purdy | pp. 173–189
Liberature: A new literary genre?Katarzyna Bazarnik | pp. 191–208
PART IV. Iconicity and conceptualization
Meaning on the one and on the other hand: Iconicity in native vs. foreign signed languagesMeike Adam, Wiebke Iversen, Erin Willkinson and Jill P. Morford | pp. 211–227
Iconic text strategies: Path, sorting & weighting, kaleidoscopeFriedrich Ungerer | pp. 229–245
‘Damn mad’: Palindromic figurations in literary narrativesChristina Ljungberg | pp. 247–265
PART V. Iconicity and structure
Iconicity and the grammar–lexis interfaceDylan Glynn | pp. 269–288
Iconicity in the coding of pragmatic functions: The case of disclaimers in argumentative discourseAngelika Bergien | pp. 289–300
Double negation and iconicityLudovic De Cuypere, Johan van der Auwera and Klaas Willems | pp. 301–320
PART VI. Iconicity and multimedia / intertextuality
Iconicity in multimedia performance: Laurie Anderson’s White LilySibylle Moser | pp. 323–345
Author index | pp. 347–352
Subject index | pp. 353–360
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco
2018. Taming iconicity in the Spanish and Italian translations of Shakespeare’sSonnets. English Text Construction 11:1 ► pp. 105 ff. 
Ortiz de Landázuri, Carlos
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 12 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General