Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes

Main information
ORCID logoPejman Habibie | The University of Western Ontario | phabibie at
Sue Starfield | University of New South Wales | s.starfield at
Reviews Editor
Yongyan Li | University of Hong Kong

Journal metrics

CiteScore: 2.2
SNIP: 0.985 SJR: 0.423

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Dimensions ; Scopus

The Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes will provide a scholarly venue for the construction and dissemination of discourses related to the fast-expanding field of English for research publication purposes (ERPP). This will help academics and practitioners working in (sub)disciplines such as Applied Linguistics, EAP, ESP, Education, and Writing Studies to communicate their relevant scholarly works and perspectives with international members of their community of practice, keep current with the new discourses and practices within and surrounding this domain, and contribute to the further enrichment and development of this field of scholarship. The Journal will publish conceptual and empirical articles, book reviews, and academic discourses and exchanges on a wide range of topics including writing for scholarly publication, graduate writing, pedagogy of ERPP, writing centers, mentorship, ERPP teacher education, international policies and practices related to ERPP, evaluation and review processes, discourse analysis of academic output, needs analysis, ERPP curriculum design and materials development, research communication support services, and international ERPP initiatives and programs.
ISSN: 2590-0994 | E-ISSN: 2590-1001
DOI logo

Volume 5 (2024)

Volume 4 (2023)

Volume 3 (2022)

Volume 2 (2021)

Volume 1 (2020)

ORCID logoPejman Habibie | The University of Western Ontario | phabibie at
Sue Starfield | University of New South Wales | s.starfield at
Reviews Editor
Yongyan Li | University of Hong Kong
Editorial Advisory Board
Diane Belcher | Georgia State University
Sally Burgess | Universidad de La Laguna
John Flowerdew | Lancaster University
ORCID logoGuangwei Hu | Hong Kong Polytechnic
ORCID logoAnna Kristina Hultgren | Open University
Ken Hyland | University of East Anglia
Ryuko Kubota | The University of British Columbia
ORCID logoMaria Kuteeva | Stockholms Universitet
Becky Kwan | City University of Hong Kong
Theresa Lillis | The Open University
Pilar Mur-Dueñas | Universidad de Zaragoza
Brian Paltridge | The University of Sydney
Christine Pearson Casanave | Temple University
ORCID logoCarmen Pérez-Llantada | Universidad de Zaragoza
ORCID logoChristine M. Tardy | University of Arizona
Stephanie Vandrick | University of San Francisco
Ursula Wingate | King's College
Subscription Info
Current issue: 4:2, available as of December 2023
Next issue: 5:1/2, expected January 2025, published online on 17 January 2025

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 6 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 240 pp. EUR 165.00 EUR 212.00
Volume 5 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 240 pp. EUR 160.00 EUR 193.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 65.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

Available back-volumes

Online-only Print + online
Complete backset
(Vols. 1‒4; 2020‒2023)
8 issues;
960 pp.
EUR 620.00 EUR 691.00
Volume 4 (2023) 2 issues; 240 pp. EUR 155.00 EUR 175.00
Volumes 1‒3 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 240 pp. EUR 155.00 per volume EUR 172.00 per volume

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Main BIC Subject

CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

Main BISAC Subject