Language, Context and Text | The Social Semiotics Forum
Language, Context and Text: The Social Semiotics Forum (LangCT) is an international, refereed journal with a focus on the use, critique and development of social semiotics as originally proposed by the British linguist M.A.K. Halliday. It is dedicated to new theoretical and empirical work in systemic functional linguistics (SFL) concerning any language. Additionally, there is a deep interest in studies of other modalities that use a social semiotic approach and are directly related to SFL. Social semiotic studies of inter-modal relations between language and other meaning systems are of particular interest, as are transdisciplinary studies in which language use plays a key role.
The journal encourages the presentation and critique of new theoretical proposals through careful scholarly analysis, testing of the implications of proposals and presentation of alternative viewpoints broadly within the SFL framework.
The journal publishes research across a broad range of fields and interests: such as, for example, all strata of language and contexts, academic and professional writing, business communication, computational modeling, healthcare communication, child language development, language and literacy learning, literary studies, second and other language learning, social class effects on language use in institutional settings, studies of ideologies, translation and interpretation, and workplace relations.
Volume 6 (2024)
Volume 5 (2023)
Volume 4 (2022)
Volume 3 (2021)
Volume 2 (2020)
Volume 1 (2019)
Subscription Info
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Subscription rates
All prices for print + online include postage/handling.
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Volume 7 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 400 pp. | EUR |
Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.
Available back-volumes
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Complete backset (Vols. 1‒6; 2019‒2024) |
12 issues; 2,400 pp. |
EUR 920.00 | EUR 1,059.00 |
Volume 6 (2024) | 2 issues; 400 pp. | EUR |
Volume 5 (2023) | 2 issues; 400 pp. | EUR |
Volumes 2‒4 (2020‒2022) | 2 issues; avg. 400 pp. | EUR |
Volume 1 (2019) | 2 issues; 400 pp. | EUR |
The journal welcomes articles on topics within the aim and scope of the journal. Submissions should be original and not have been published before or be under simultaneous consideration elsewhere. Submissions are peer-reviewed and assessed for possible publication by the journal editors and at least one further referee, who may be a board member or an external referee, depending on required subject expertise.
Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission and manuscript tracking site . Please consult the Short Guide to EM for Authors before you submit your paper.
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Articles accepted for this journal can be made Open Access through payment of an Article Publication Charge (APC) of EUR 1800 (excl. tax). To arrange this, please contact once your paper has been accepted for publication.
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