Doing SLA Research with Implications for the Classroom
Reconciling methodological demands and pedagogical applicability
This book is unique in bringing together studies on instructed second language acquisition that focus on a common question: “What renders this research particularly relevant to classroom applications, and what are the advantages, challenges, and potential pitfalls of the methodology adopted?” The empirical studies feature experimental, quasi-experimental and observational research in settings ranging from the classroom to the laboratory and CALL contexts. All contributors were asked to discuss issues of cost, ethics, participant availability, experimental control, teacher collaboration, and student motivation, as well as the generalizability of findings to different kinds of educational contexts, languages, and structures.
This volume should be of interest to graduate students in second language research, practicing teachers who want some guidance to navigate the sometimes overwhelming array of publications, and to researchers who are planning studies on instructed second language learning or teaching and are looking to make principled decisions on which of the existing methodologies to adopt.
[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 52] 2019. vi, 219 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 February 2019
Published online on 22 February 2019
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Current research on instructed second language learning: A bird’s eye viewRobert DeKeyser and Goretti Prieto Botana | pp. 1–8
Chapter 2. Observing language-related episodes in intact classrooms: Context matters!Laura Collins and Joanna White | pp. 9–30
Chapter 3. Methodological strengths, challenges, and joys of classroom-based quasi-experimental research: Metacognitive instruction and corrective feedbackMasatoshi Sato and Shawn Loewen | pp. 31–54
Chapter 4. Integrating instructed second language research, pragmatics, and corpus-based instructionKathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Sabrina Mossman and Yunwen Su | pp. 55–82
Chapter 5. The roles of explicit instruction and guided practice in the proceduralization of a complex grammatical structureNatsuko Shintani | pp. 83–106
Chapter 6. The effects of recasts versus prompts on immediate uptake and learning of a complex target structureHossein Nassaji | pp. 107–126
Chapter 7. The effects of multiple exposures to explicit information: Evidence from two types of learning problems and practice conditionsGoretti Prieto Botana and Robert DeKeyser | pp. 127–154
Chapter 8. CALL in ISLA: Promoting depth of processing of complex L2 Spanish “Para/Por” prepositionsRonald P. Leow, Luis Cerezo, Allison Caras and Gorky Cruz | pp. 155–178
Chapter 9. Lexical development in the writing of intensive English program studentsAlan Juffs | pp. 179–200
Chapter 10. Discussion: Balancing methodological rigor and pedagogical relevanceNina Spada | pp. 201–216
Words for Index | pp. 217–219
“The book aimed to bridge the so-called gap between SLA (Second Language Acquisition) research (theory) and classroom pedagogy (practice). With the empirical studies conducted in either actual classrooms or computer labs by teacher-researchers, the book offers a wide range of ideas and pedagogical implications related to textbook and material development; instructional tasks, activities, and exercises in speaking, writing, vocabulary, and grammar; feedback and error correction, and finally the use of technology and computers in the language classroom. Hence, the book has proven to be an invaluable source for practitioners, language teachers, curriculum and material developers as well as the directors of language programs. [...] On a final note, there is no doubt that this edited book flourishing with research ideas from a variety of contexts will attract and inform its readers with the actual classroom applications it offers.”
Ozge Guney, University of South Florida, on Linguist List 30.4389, 2019
“The volume delivers what it set out to do, both in its selection of papers and its attention for methodological issue. For begining researchers, it provides a good introduction to the main methodological approaches to ISLA and the issues involved. More experienced researchers will of course recognize the issues these authors have grappled with, but they too will find food for thought in the detailed discussions of the pros and cons of different methodological choices.”
Paul Pauwels, KU Leuven, in ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171:2, pp.312-317
Cited by (23)
Cited by 23 other publications
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Mao, Zhicheng, Icy Lee & Shaofeng Li
Coumel, Marion, Christine Groß, Sabine Sommer-Lolei & Markus Christiner
Coyle, Yvette, Florentina Nicolás-Conesa & Lourdes Cerezo
2023. Overview of methodological procedures in research on written corrective
feedback processing. In Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 5], ► pp. 60 ff. 
Groß, Christine, Valdis Bernhofs, Eva Möhler & Markus Christiner
Rodríguez Tapia, Sergio
Shu, Dingfang, Shanshan Yang & Masatoshi Sato
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen & Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé
Gironzetti, Elisa & Javier Muñoz-Basols
Ioannou, Sophia & Dina Tsagari
McDonough, Kim, Ahlem Ammar & Gabriel Michaud
Naismith, Ben, Alan Juffs, Na-Rae Han & Daniel Zheng
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Michaud, Gabriel
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Sato, Masatoshi & Claudia Dussuel Lam
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen
Sato, Masatoshi & Shawn Loewen
Sato, Masatoshi & Shawn Loewen
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
Main BISAC Subject
LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching