Element Order in Old English and Old High German Translations
This book is the first comprehensive corpus study of element order in Old English and Old High German, which brings to light numerous differences between these two closely related languages. The study’s innovative approach relies on translated texts, which allows the authors to tackle the problem of the apparent incomparability of OE and OHG textual records and to identify the areas of OE and OHG syntax potentially influenced by the Latin source texts. This is especially important from the point of view of OE research, where Latin is rarely considered to be a significant variable. The book’s profile and content is of direct interest to historical linguists working on OE and/or OHG (and Old Germanic languages in general), but it can also greatly benefit several other groups of researchers: scholars applying corpus methods to the study of dead languages, historical linguists generally, linguists researching element order as well as specialists in translation studies.
[NOWELE Supplement Series, 28] 2016. xvii, 424 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 29 November 2016
Published online on 29 November 2016
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
List of figures | pp. ix–9
List of tables | pp. x–xvii
Chapter 1. Studying the element order of Old Germanic languages | pp. 3–17
Chapter 2. How to study element order in translated texts | pp. 19–50
Chapter 3. The V-second phenomenon | pp. 51–120
Chapter 4. Verb-initial main declarative clauses | pp. 121–151
Chapter 5. Element order in subordinate clauses | pp. 153–234
Chapter 6. Element order in conjunct clauses | pp. 235–281
Chapter 7. The position of objects | pp. 283–341
Chapter 8. Translation strategies | pp. 343–381
Chapter 9. Text-specific and language-specific element order patterns in OE and OHG translations | pp. 383–409
Index | pp. 421–424
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Translation & Interpreting Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFF: Historical & comparative linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009010: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Historical & Comparative