Pragmatics & Cognition

Main information
ORCID logoElly Ifantidou | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
ORCID logoLouis de Saussure | Université de Neuchatel
Managing Editor
ORCID logoAnna Piata | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Review Editor
ORCID logoDiana Mazzarella | Université de Neuchâtel
Founding Editor
Marcelo Dascal † | Tel Aviv University

Pragmatics & Cognition publishes articles which forge links between communication and related human abilities and behaviours, from the perspective of cognitive science. The journal's leading principle is that the proper understanding of communication, mental activity and interpersonal relations requires an intensive and thoughtful exchange of views across a range of disciplines and perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach generates an understanding of the mental processes involved in the production and understanding of communicative acts of various forms and across contexts. Linguistics, in particular pragmatics and semantics, neuroscience, cognitive anthropology, philosophy of language, computational linguistics, experimental psychology, are the main areas of language study brought together by the journal.

Pragmatics & Cognition focuses on meaning, acquisition and development of communicative abilities, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural variation, epistemic vigilance, evolution of language and communication.

Alongside full-scale articles and book reviews, the journal publishes high quality thematic special issues in innovative areas of international scholarship which establish a niche in contemporary research. Both experimental and theoretical contributions are welcome.


Pragmatics & Cognition offers a venue for reviews of recent contributions in the field of pragmatics and related disciplines in cognitive science. Reviews should offer a critical discussion of a book and target an interdisciplinary audience of linguists, philosophers and psychologists.

We publish reviews in the following two formats.

1. Book symposia

Book symposia comprise two or three critical notices on a book together with the author's replies. Selected books for symposia typically address foundational questions in pragmatics and cognitive science, with the potential to foster interdisciplinary discussions. Contributions to book symposia are by invitation only and should not exceed 3000 words.

2. Book reviews

Book reviews offer a short and critical presentation of the content of a book and assess its contribution to the field. Book reviews should not exceed 2000 words. They are usually commissioned. Unsolicited reviews will not be considered. However, it is possible to submit proposals for book reviews to the Review Editor, Prof. Diana Mazzarella ([email protected]), who will evaluate them on a case-by-case basis.

ISSN: 0929-0907 | E-ISSN: 1569-9943
DOI logo

Volume 31 (2024)

Volume 30 (2023)

Volume 29 (2022)

Volume 28 (2021)

Volume 27 (2020)

Volume 26 (2019)

Volume 25 (2018)

Volume 24 (2017)

Volume 23 (2016)

Volume 22 (2014)

Volume 21 (2013)

Volume 20 (2012)

Volume 19 (2011)

Volume 18 (2010)

Volume 17 (2009)

Volume 16 (2008)

Volume 15 (2007)

Volume 14 (2006)

Volume 13 (2005)

Volume 12 (2004)

Volume 11 (2003)

Volume 10 (2002) sp.issue

Volume 9 (2001)

Volume 8 (2000)

Volume 7 (1999)

Volume 6 (1998)

Volume 5 (1997)

Volume 4 (1996)

Volume 3 (1995)

Volume 2 (1994)

Volume 1 (1993)

Editorial Board
ORCID logoAnne Bezuidenhout | University of South Carolina
ORCID logoRobyn Carston | University College London
Andy Clark | University of Edinburgh
ORCID logoItiel E. Dror | University College London
ORCID logoM. Victoria Escandell-Vidal | Complutense University of Madrid
Nigel Fabb | University of Strathclyde
ORCID logoAnita Fetzer | University of Augsburg
ORCID logoWillem F.G. Haselager | Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen
ORCID logoNapoleon Katsos | University of Cambridge
ORCID logoIstván Kecskés | State University of New York
Heng Li | Southwest University, Chongqing
ORCID logoDidier Maillat | University of Fribourg
Hugo Mercier | Ecole normale supérieure, CNRS
ORCID logoIra A. Noveck | CNRS Paris
ORCID logoJan Nuyts | University of Antwerp
ORCID logoAnna Papafragou | University of Pennsylvania
ORCID logoFrançois Recanati | Collège de France
ORCID logoPeter J. Schulz | University of Lugano
ORCID logoYaron M. Senderowicz | Tel Aviv University
ORCID logoStephen Stich | Rutgers University
ORCID logoMarina Terkourafi | University of Leiden
ORCID logoCarla Vergaro | University of Perugia
ORCID logoTim Wharton | University of Brighton
ORCID logoDeirdre Wilson | University College London
ORCID logoChaoqun Xie | Zhejiang International Studies University
Subscription Info
Current issue: 30:2, available as of July 2024
Next issue: 31:1, expected November 2024

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 32 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 400 pp. EUR 342.00 EUR 448.00
Volume 31 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 400 pp. EUR 332.00 EUR 407.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 75.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

Available back-volumes

Online-only Print + online
Complete backset
(Vols. 1‒30; 1993‒2023)
74 issues;
14,800 pp.
EUR 11,044.00 EUR 11,686.00
Volume 30 (2023) 2 issues; 400 pp. EUR 322.00 EUR 370.00
Volumes 27‒29 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 400 pp. EUR 322.00 per volume EUR 363.00 per volume
Volume 26 (2019) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 479.00 EUR 539.00
Volume 25 (2018) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 465.00 EUR 523.00
Volume 24 (2017) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 451.00 EUR 508.00
Volume 23 (2016) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 451.00 EUR 493.00
Volume 22 (2014) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 451.00 EUR 479.00
Volume 21 (2013) 3 issues; 600 pp. EUR 451.00 EUR 465.00
Volumes 13‒20 (2005‒2012) 3 issues; avg. 600 pp. EUR 438.00 per volume EUR 451.00 per volume
Volumes 1‒12 (1993‒2004) 2 issues; avg. 400 pp. EUR 292.00 per volume EUR 301.00 per volume



For the benefit of production efficiency, the publisher and the editor ask you to follow the following submission guidelines strictly. Papers that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the author.

Contributions should be consistent in their use of language and spelling. If you are not a native speaker of the language in which you have written your contribution, it is advised to have your text checked by a native speaker.

When submitting the final manuscript to the journal, please include: a one-paragraph abstract, approximately five keywords, a short professional biography of the author, and a current mailing address.   

Electronic files

Files. Contributions should not exceed 10,000 words. Authors who are not native speakers of English are advised to have their paper checked by a native speaker before submission.

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Suggested font setting for tables: Times Roman 10 pts (absolute minimum: 8 pts).

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, provided with appropriate captions and should be referred to in the main text in this manner, e.g., “in table 2”, but never like this “in the following table: “. Please indicate the preferred position of the table or figure in the text.

Running heads.  Please do not include running heads with your article. However, in case of a long title please suggest a short one for the running head (max. 55 characters) on the cover sheet of your contribution. 

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2. ..................... or b. .......................

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Examples and glosses

Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.) in parentheses.

Examples in languages other than the language in which your contribution is written should be in italics with an approximate translation. Between the original and the translation, glosses can be added. This interlinear gloss gets no punctuation and no highlighting. For the abbreviations in the interlinear gloss, CAPS or small caps can be used, which will be converted to small caps by our typesetters in final formatting.

Please note that lines 1 and 2 are lined up through the use of spaces: it is essential that the number of elements in lines 1 and 2 match. If two words in the example correspond to one word in the gloss use a full stop to glue the two together (2a). Morphemes are seperated by hyphens (1, 2b).

Every next level in the example gets one indent/tab.

              (1)         Kare wa    besutoseraa  o          takusan kaite-iru.        

                            he     TOP best-seller     ACC    many     write-PERF    

                            “He has written many best-sellers.’”                              

              (2)         a.           Jan houdt.van Marie.

                                         Jan loves         Marie

                                         “Jan loves Marie.”

                          b.           Ed en   Floor   gaan samen-wonen.

                                         Ed and Floor   go      together-live.INF

                                         “Ed and Floor are going to live together.”


Notes should be kept to a minimum and should be submitted as numbered footnotes.

***Note: footnote indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences and follow punctuation marks.


It is essential that the references are formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines, as these cannot be formatted automatically. This journal uses the style as described in the Unified Style sheet for Linguistics []

References in the text: These should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example (Clahsen 1991: 252).

References section: References should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. The section should include all (and only!) references that are actually mentioned in the text. Authors/contributors are encouraged to supply – with a reference, not instead of – the DOI if they happen to have that information readily available.

A note on capitalization in titles. Use capitalization of all lexical words for journal titles and capitalize only the first word (plus proper names and the first word after a colon) for book/dissertation titles and article/chapter titles. This is a useful diagnostic for discriminating between titles that are recurring and those that are not. The journal style for capitalization should also be applied to titles of book series.



Görlach, Manfred. 2003. English words abroad (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 7). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Spear, Norman E. & Ralph R. Miller (eds.). 1981. Information processing in animals: Memory mechanisms. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Stewart, Thomas W., Jr. 2000. Mutation as morphology: Bases, stems, and shapes in Scottish Gaelic. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University dissertation.

Article (in book):

Adams, Clare A. & Anthony Dickinson. 1981. Actions and habits: Variation in associative representation during instrumental learning. In Norman E. Spear & Ralph R. Miller (eds.), Information processing in animals: Memory mechanisms, 143–186. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Article (in journal):

Claes, Jeroen & Luis A. Ortiz López. 2011. Restricciones pragmáticas y sociales en la expresión de futuridad en el español de Puerto Rico [Pragmatic and social restrictions in the expression of the future in Puerto Rican Spanish]. Spanish in Context 8. 50–72.

Pedersen, Johan. 2005. The Spanish impersonal se-construction: Constructional variation and change. Constructions 1, (3 April, 2007.)

Tables, figures and plates
  1. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and provided with concise captions (max. 240 characters).

All figures and tables should be referenced in the text, e.g. (see Figure 5). Please do not use relative indicators such as “see the table below”, or “in this table: ...”.

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All tables, plates, and figures eventually have to fit the following text area, either portrait or landscape: 11,5 cm x 19 cm at 8 pt minimum.

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Additional Style Guidance

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2.  Please use British or American spellings and punctuation throughout.

3.  Section headers, if used, should simply be phrases. Please restrict headers to three or four per essay.  They may be italicized.

4.  Miscellaneous


Appendixes should follow the References section.

Author’s Submission Checklist

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Please contact the journal editor if you cannot handle proofs for your article in electronic format (i.e., receive the proofs as a PDF-attachment at your email address).


Pragmatics & Cognition offers online submission. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal’s online submission and manuscript tracking site.
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Main BIC Subject

CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General