Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVI

Papers from the annual symposium on Arabic Linguistics. New York, 2012

 | Columbia University - Teachers College
ISBN 9789027200303 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027269683 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
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This volume provides a unique collection of studies representing diversity and innovation in Arabic linguistics. The volume includes several groundbreaking papers authored by leaders in the field organized around key aspects of Arabic morphosyntax, semantics, phonology, and sociolinguistics, as well as language acquisition and neurolinguistics. Balancing depth and width of coverage, the volume integrates a variety of papers associated with inherent dialectal and diglossic variation, innovative questions, data, and approaches, as well as innovative reexaminations of existing theoretical frameworks, making a meaningful contribution to the understanding of Arabic linguistic structure and human language representation/processing throughout all papers. The volume is intended to highlight the potential contribution of Arabic linguistics and to endorse further contributions to the sparse knowledge of language representation and processing in Arabic to further develop our understanding of innate linguistic knowledge. It draws special attention to the potential contribution of studies of diversity in Arabic dialects and between the two language varieties of Arabic, for the broader study of human language.
[Studies in Arabic Linguistics, 2] 2014.  vi, 304 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 13 October 2014
Table of Contents
“This volume continues the proud tradition of Arabic Linguistics Society proceedings. With contributions from many of the leading scholars in Arabic linguistics today, it is essential reading for anyone interested in the application of linguistic theory to the Semitic languages.”
“Because of its long-documented history, its demographic size and geographical expanse, the sometimes uneasy relations among its own members — Standard Arabic, dialects, Classical Arabic, Creole Arabic, Middle Arabic to name but some — as well as its own underpinning tradition of linguistic scholarship, Arabic undoubtedly represents a challenge of a special order to linguists . The current volume approaches this unique configuration with a multi-faceted array of methodological, theoretical and descriptive instruments, an invitation to explore further, ask more questions, pose new challenges.”
“This volume is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it not only examines certain theoretical approaches in the light of Arabic data [...], it refines existing analyses [...] as well. Secondly, the book introduces the groundwork for novel research questions and future empirical work. Thirdly, it fills gaps in the research base of Arabic linguistics and presents empirical evidence in relation to existing research questions in the field [...]. Fourthly, it features aspects of Arabic language acquisition that are rarely discussed in second language research. Another strength of this volume is the large amount of collected data that covers a wide range of Arabic varieties including written varieties (i.e., Standard Arabic) and colloquial spoken dialects (e.g. Moroccan, Cairene, Jordanian, San'ani and Bukhara Arabic).”
Cited by (1)

Cited by one other publication

Hellmuth, Sam
2022. Sentence Prosody and Register Variation in Arabic. Languages 7:2  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo

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Main BIC Subject

CF/2CSR: Linguistics/Arabic

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2014023415 | Marc record