Internet Pragmatics

ORCID logoChaoqun Xie | Zhejiang International Studies University, China | internetpragmatics at
ORCID logoFrancisco Yus | University of Alicante, Spain
Review Editor
ORCID logoSanna-Kaisa Tanskanen | University of Helsinki, Finland
Editorial Assistant
Xinru Ding | Zhejiang International Studies University, China

A huge amount of communication is nowadays carried out on the internet, as is reflected in online social networking sites, instant messaging interactions and the emergence of norms of production and interpretation in online communities as regards the discursive construction of digital selves, digital communicative action and digital codes of interaction, among other interfaces for virtual interaction. Internet Pragmatics was launched as a response to the emerging challenges of applying pragmatic perspectives to internet or technologically mediated interaction. The journal provides a unique, fully peer-reviewed forum dedicated to cutting-edge research into internet pragmatics, examining how people use the internet and social media to fulfill their communicative needs, and how those virtual interactions entail pragmatic implications on human relationships, identities and social or professional collectivities. It also seeks to explore and expound how online communication is both similar to and different from offline interaction, how the online world and the offline world are both distinct and inseparable but also intertwined in a number of ways, and how online or digital identities impact on people’s language use in offline interaction and vise versa.

Internet Pragmatics promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and interface studies between pragmatics and other fields including but not limited to sociology, media studies, digital communication, discourse analysis, cognitive science, anthropology, psychology, philosophy and even neuroscience. The journal intends to contribute to a better and deeper understanding of language use and interaction in cyberspace and of human beings in and across mediated contexts.

Internet Pragmatics publishes its articles Online First.

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ISSN: 2542-3851 | E-ISSN: 2542-386X
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Latest articles

13 February 2025

  • The conversationality index: A quantitative assessment of conversation in social media interactions
    Louis Cotgrove, Rüdiger ThulKathy Conklin
  • 30 January 2025

  • “Do not approach men. You will be miserable.”: Feminist humor in “misandry” memes on Chinese microblogging
    Yi ZhangLuoxiangyu Zhang
  • 28 January 2025

  • The pragmatics of critical thinking: The case of adventure games
    Valandis BardzokasLouisa Desilla
  • 9 January 2025

  • The pragmatics of hashtags in French tweets
    Taoues Hadour
  • 19 November 2024

  • Emma Betz, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza MondadaMarja-Leena Sorjonen (eds). 2021. OKAY across Languages: Toward a Comparative Approach to Its Use in Talk-in-Interaction
    Reviewed by Bingyun Li | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 331–335
  • Jim O’Driscoll. 2020. Offensive Language: Taboo, Offence and Social Control
    Reviewed by Tianying ZhuoHongying Ying | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 326–330
  • 16 September 2024

  • Salience management: The role of metadiscourse in online new product launch conferences
    Ping LiuWenli Xu
  • 4 June 2024

  • The invitation game: Strategies for launching the prospect of meeting in Danish Tinder chats between male and female users
    Elisabeth Muth Andersen | IP 7:1 (2024) p. 7
  • Introduction: Interactional analysis of social action in online interaction
    Valeria Sinkeviciute | IP 7:1 (2024) pp. 1–6
  • 3 June 2024

  • “Resident superhero”: Community veneration on Facebook
    Kerry Mullan | IP 7:1 (2024) p. 63
  • 28 May 2024

  • Multimodal joint fantasising as a category‑implicative and category‑relations‑implicative action in online multi‑party interaction
    Valeria Sinkeviciute | IP 7:1 (2024) pp. 101–136
  • 13 May 2024

  • Being sensible is now a radical concept I LOVE that quote haha: Quotations in political speeches and user comments
    Anita Fetzer
  • 4 March 2024

  • “I’m only half Korean but I can relate to a lot of what you said”: YouTube comments as second stories in response to “lunchbox moment” narrative videos
    Hanwool ChoeCynthia Gordon | IP 7:1 (2024) pp. 35–62
  • 15 February 2024

  • Flirting and winking in Tinder chats: Emoji, ambiguity, and sequential actions
    Will Gibson | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 249–271
  • 6 February 2024

  • Humorous but hateful: Linguistic impoliteness and visual dysphemism in anti-Muslim memes
    Thulfiqar H. Altahmazi | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 219–248
  • 9 January 2024

  • Bonjour la famille! Linguistic strategies for relationship maintenance in African online communities
    Carmen Pérez-SabaterGinette Maguelouk-Moffo | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 298–325
  • 3 January 2024

  • Online public denunciation as recursive social practice
    Michael Haugh | IP 7:1 (2024) pp. 161–191
  • 22 December 2023

  • “Facebook’s about to know, Karen”: Mobilising social media to sanction public conduct
    Linda Walz, Jack B. JoyceNatalie Flint | IP 7:1 (2024) pp. 137–160
  • 14 November 2023

  • Parody against hate speech: On how political hate speech can be fought by turning the world upside down
    Marco Trigoso | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 259–284
  • 17 October 2023

  • Semiotic excess in memes: From postdigital creativity to social violence
    Albin Wagener | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 239–258
  • Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis, Milica SavićNicola Halenko (eds). 2021. Email Pragmatics and Second Language Learners
    Reviewed by Xinru Ding | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 285–291
  • 10 October 2023

  • Introduction: Hate speech in online media
    Mélanie Buchart, Anton GranvikHartmut E. H. Lenk | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 149–155
  • 3 October 2023

  • Haters in the spotlight: Gender and socially unacceptable Facebook comments
    Kristina Pahor de Maiti, Jasmin FranzaDarja Fišer | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 173–196
  • 2 October 2023

  • When your neighbor becomes a threat: How COVID-19 divided a community in online discussions
    Mari Pakkala-Weckström | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 219–238
  • 22 September 2023

  • Neil Sadler. 2022. Fragmented Narrative: Telling and Interpreting Stories in the Twitter Age
    Reviewed by Melike Akay | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 292–297
  • 18 September 2023

  • Linguistic and discursive properties of hate speech and speech facilitating the expression of hatred: Evidence from Finnish and French online discussion boards
    Simo K. Määttä | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 156–172
  • 15 September 2023

  • A pragmatic and discourse analysis of hate words on social media
    Mattia Retta | IP 6:2 (2023) pp. 197–218
  • 20 July 2023

  • Psychophysiological effects of evaluative language use on Twitter complaints and compliments
    Nicolas Ruytenbeek, Jens AllaertMarie-Anne Vanderhasselt | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 193–218
  • 30 May 2023

  • How to get more views: An analysis of metadiscoursal and discoursal linguistic cues in Arabic clickbait headlines
    Mohammed Nahar Al-Ali, Meera B. SahawnehSafaa M. Hamzeh | IP 7:2 (2024) pp. 272–297
  • 4 April 2023

  • Roberta Piazza. 2021. The Discursive Construction of Identity and Space Among Mobile People
    Reviewed by Tian ChenYu Chen | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 134–138
  • 30 March 2023

  • Marco Mazzone. 2018. Cognitive Pragmatics: Mindreading, Inferences, Consciousness
    Reviewed by Wenjin XuBingyun Li | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 139–148
  • 9 December 2022

  • Parallel digital monolingualism: A Canadian case study of language ideologies and hashtags in multilingual digital discourse
    Rachelle Vessey | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 107–128
  • 3 October 2022

  • Francisco Yus. 2022. Smartphone Communication: Interactions in the App Ecosystem
    Reviewed by Le Li | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 129–133
  • 2 August 2022

  • “Completely incapable of logical thought”: Delegitimating the MeToo Movement in YouTube comment sections
    Kate O’Farrell | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 291–316
  • 15 July 2022

  • Finding relevance in smartphone advertising
    Francisco Yus | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 1–41
  • 11 July 2022

  • YouTube: Audience emotional reactions and convergent alignment
    Sanna Pelttari | IP 6:1 (2023) pp. 42–66
  • “I am a real cat”: French-speaking cats on Twitter as an enregistered variety and community of practice
    Naomi Truan | IP 6:1 (2023) p. 67
  • 1 June 2022

  • Jelou pipol: Computer-mediated communication among Spanish-speaking gamers on Twitch
    Rosalía Cotelo García | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 257–290
  • 28 April 2022

  • Camilla Vásquez. 2019. Language, Creativity and Humour Online
    Reviewed by Li Zhuo | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 321–325
  • 2 February 2022

  • Introduction: Formality and informality in online performances
    Sofia RüdigerSusanne Mühleisen | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 1–11
  • 29 November 2021

  • Zohar Livnat, Pnina Shukrun-NagarGalia Hirsch (eds). 2020. The Discourse of Indirectness: Cues, Voices and Functions
    Reviewed by Helena Nurmikari | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 317–320
  • 24 November 2021

  • Complaining, teasing, and meme-framing: Socializing through Moments storytelling
    Ying TongChaoqun Xie | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 66–91
  • 25 October 2021

  • Introduction: Understanding Chinese social media
    Chaoqun XieBingyun Li | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 177–189
  • 18 October 2021

  • Days of our ‘quarantined’ lives: Multimodal humour in COVID-19 internet memes
    Erhan Aslan | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 227–256
  • 28 April 2021

  • Anonymity and authenticity on the web: Towards a new framework in internet onomastics
    Saskia KerstenNetaya Lotze | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 38–65
  • 6 April 2021

  • Persuasive language and features of formality on the r/ChangeMyView subreddit
    Daria DayterThomas C. Messerli | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 165–195
  • 22 March 2021

  • Becoming #Instafamous: The analysis of (in)formality in self-presentation on Instagram
    Dominika Kováčová | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 12–37
  • 17 March 2021

  • Multimodal strategies for balancing formality and informality: The role of kaomoji in online comment-reply interactions
    Michiko Kaneyasu | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 143–164
  • 16 March 2021

  • Brutal spoons and cheesy gloves: The formal, the informal and the spoof cooking show on web stage
    Susanne Mühleisen | IP 5:1 (2022) p. 92
  • 12 March 2021

  • Intimate consumptions: YouTube eating shows and the performance of informality
    Sofia Rüdiger | IP 5:1 (2022) pp. 115–142
  • 25 February 2021

  • Pragmatics, humour and the internet
    Francisco Yus | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 1–11
  • 15 February 2021

  • Instagram and intermodal configurations of value: Ideology, aesthetics, and attitudinal stance in #avotoast posts
    Michele ZappavignaAndrew S. Ross | IP 5:2 (2022) pp. 197–226
  • 17 November 2020

  • The pragmatics of internet memes
    Chaoqun Xie | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 139–144
  • 13 October 2020

  • Internet memes we live by (and die by)
    Chaoqun Xie | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 145–173
  • 28 August 2020

  • On the order of processing of humorous tweets with visual and verbal elements
    María Simarro Vázquez, Nabiha El Khatib, Phillip HamrickSalvatore Attardo | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 150–175
  • 5 August 2020

  • Emojis and the performance of humour in everyday electronically-mediated conversation: A corpus study of Whats­App chats
    Agnese Sampietro | IP 4:1 (2021) p. 87
  • 31 July 2020

  • Humour in multimodal times: Insights from online interactions among senior users of a WhatsApp group
    Olga Cruz-MoyaAlfonso Sánchez-Moya | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 52–86
  • 24 July 2020

  • Greek migrant jokes online: A diachronic-comparative study on racist humorous representations
    Argiris ArchakisVilly Tsakona | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 28–51
  • When humour backfires: How do Whats­App users respond to humorous profile statuses as a self-presentation strategy?
    Carmen Maíz-Arévalo | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 111–130
  • 15 July 2020

  • How and why people are impolite in danmu?
    Jiayi Wang | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 295–322
  • 8 July 2020

  • The internet and social media as a theme and channel of humor
    Agnieszka Piskorska | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 12–27
  • 1 July 2020

  • Incongruity-resolution humorous strategies in image macro memes
    Francisco Yus | IP 4:1 (2021) pp. 131–149
  • 28 May 2020

  • Matteo Farina. 2018. Facebook and Conversation Analysis: The Structure and Organization of Comment Threads
    Reviewed by Christian J. Schmitt | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 121–126
  • 25 May 2020

  • Internet memes as multilayered re-contextualization vehicles in lay-political online discourse
    Monika Kirner-Ludwig | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 283–320
  • 12 May 2020

  • Jan Blommaert. 2018. Durkheim and the Internet: On Sociolinguistics and the Sociological Imagination
    Reviewed by Hartmut Haberland | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 133–138
  • 7 April 2020

  • Attitudes towards elastic language in Australian online healthcare information
    Grace ZhangMing-Yu Tseng | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 34–63
  • 6 April 2020

  • Bradley E. Wiggins. 2019. The Discursive Power of Memes in Digital Culture: Ideology, Semiotics and Intertextuality
    Reviewed by Elke Diedrichsen | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 321–326
  • Michele Zappavigna. 2018. Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media Metadiscourse
    Reviewed by Dominika Kováčová | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 127–132
  • 24 March 2020

  • More than playfulness: Emojis in the comments of a WeChat official account
    Yiqiong Zhang, Min WangYing Li | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 247–271
  • 23 March 2020

  • Thinking out of the box: Production of direct metaphor in a social media context
    Romy A. M. van den Heerik, Ellen Droog, Melanie Jong Tjien FaChristian Burgers | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 64–94
  • 20 March 2020

  • Anastasia Denisova. 2019. Internet Memes and Society: Social, Cultural and Political Contexts
    Reviewed by Guangmin Li | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 327–331
  • 17 February 2020

  • The construction of heterogeneous and fluid identities: Translanguaging on WeChat
    Luyao LiJing Huang | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 219–246
  • 27 January 2020

  • A pragmatics of intimacy
    Rosina Márquez ReiterDavid M. Frohlich | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 1–33
  • 10 January 2020

  • Mariza Georgalou. 2017. Discourse and Identity on Facebook
    Reviewed by Shanshan Xie | IP 3:1 (2020) pp. 116–120
  • 17 December 2019

  • Chronotopic (non)modernity in translocal mobile messaging among Chinese migrants in the UK
    Agnieszka Lyons, Caroline TaggRachel Hu | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 190–218
  • 13 December 2019

  • Constructing authorial pseudonyms and authorial identity in online fanfiction communities
    Lisa Donlan | IP 3:1 (2020) p. 95
  • 20 November 2019

  • Sara Mills. 2017. English Politeness and Class
    Reviewed by Wenwen GengLiling Lin | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 325–329
  • 19 November 2019

  • Exploring local meaning-making resources: A case study of a popular Chinese internet meme (biaoqingbao)
    Yaqian JiangCamilla Vásquez | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 260–282
  • 5 November 2019

  • Monika Kopytowska (ed). 2017. Contemporary Discourses of Hate and Radicalism across Space and Genres
    Reviewed by Gintaras Dautartas | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 330–334
  • 21 October 2019

  • Agency and impoliteness in Korean online interactions
    Ariel KimLucien Brown | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 233–259
  • 16 October 2019

  • “The murderer is him ✓”: Multimodal humor in danmu video comments
    Leticia Tian ZhangDaniel Cassany | IP 4:2 (2021) pp. 272–294
  • 15 October 2019

  • How much reading between the lines is there in online game playing? The functions of ‘Good job’ as a communication tool in Monster Strike
    Noboru Sakai | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 290–318
  • 23 September 2019

  • Dániel Z. Kádár. 2017. Politeness, Impoliteness and Ritual: Maintaining the Moral Order in Interpersonal Interaction
    Reviewed by Jiayi Wang | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 319–324
  • 20 September 2019

  • Self-denigration and the mixed messages of ‘ugly’ selfies in Instagram
    Ruth Page | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 173–205
  • 19 August 2019

  • On the interaction of core and emergent common ground in Internet memes
    Elke Diedrichsen | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 223–259
  • 29 July 2019

  • Memes and the media narrative: The Nike-Kaepernick controversy
    Bradley E. Wiggins | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 202–222
  • 16 July 2019

  • Why is Twitter so popular in Japan? Linguistic devices for monologization
    Mitsuko Narita IzutsuKatsunobu Izutsu | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 260–289
  • 1 July 2019

  • Stylistic humor across modalities: The case of Classical Art Memes
    Anna Piata | IP 3:2 (2020) pp. 174–201
  • 7 June 2019

  • A study of phatic emoji use in WhatsApp communication
    Bethany Aull | IP 2:2 (2019) pp. 206–232
  • 20 May 2019

  • Some food for thought on the theory and practice of internet pragmatics
    Anita Fetzer | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 34–40
  • Internet pragmatics and the fuzziness of analytical categories: A response to Francisco Yus
    Andreas H. Jucker | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 41–45
  • The future of internet pragmatics: Challenges old and new
    Ruth Page | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 46–49
  • The pragmatic use of vocatives in private one-to-one digital communication
    Esther AspreyCaroline Tagg | IP 2:1 (2019) p. 83
  • Place identity construction in Greek neomigrants’ social media discourse
    Mariza Georgalou | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 136–161
  • Genres, media, and recontextualization practices: Re-considering basic concepts of genre theory in the age of social media
    Helmut Gruber | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 54–82
  • Evidentiality and stance in YouTube comments on smartphone reviews
    Alejandro PariniAnita Fetzer | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 112–135
  • Marcel Danesi. 2017. The Semiotics of Emoji: The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet
    Reviewed by Hartmut Haberland | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 167–172
  • Daria Dayter. 2016. Discursive Self in Microblogging: Speech acts, stories and self-praise
    Reviewed by Marjut Johansson | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 162–166
  • An outline of some future research issues for internet pragmatics
    Francisco Yus | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 1–33
  • Internet pragmatics and the future: A reply to Fetzer, Jucker and Page
    Francisco Yus | IP 2:1 (2019) pp. 50–53
  • 10 January 2019

  • The personal and/as the political: Small stories and impoliteness in online discussions of the Greek crisis
    Alex GeorgakopoulouMaria Vasilaki | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 216–241
  • Impoliteness online: Hate speech in online interactions
    Manfred Kienpointner | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 329–351
  • The meta-conventionalisation and moral order of e-practices: A Japanese case study
    Dániel Z. KádárSaeko Fukushima | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 352–378
  • Impoliteness and the moral order in online gaming
    Sage Lambert Graham | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 303–328
  • Exploring the moral compass: Denunciations in a Facebook carpool group
    Rosina Márquez ReiterSara Orthaber | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 242–271
  • “Ya bloody drongo!!!”: Impoliteness as situated moral judgement on Facebook
    Valeria Sinkeviciute | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 272–302
  • (Im)politeness, morality and the internet
    Chaoqun Xie | IP 1:2 (2018) pp. 205–215
  • 28 May 2018

  • Relational work in multimodal networked interactions on Facebook
    Patricia Bou-FranchPilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 134–160
  • Self-praise online and offline: The hallmark speech act of social media?
    Daria Dayter | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 184–203
  • “Our Chief Political Editor reads between the lines of the Chancellor’s Budget speech”: The strategic exploitation of conversational implicature in mediated political discourse
    Anita Fetzer | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 29–54
  • Crooked Hillary and Dumb Trump: The strategic use and effect of negative evaluations in US election campaign tweets
    Christian R. Hoffmann | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 55–87
  • How social is the internet? A pragmatic view
    Jacob L. Mey | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 13–28
  • Tracking opinion convergence online: The effect of facial attractiveness
    Marina TerkourafiSarah Lord | IP 1:1 (2018) p. 88
  • Commenting on in-memoriam columns: Juggling with deliberative and epidictic norms
    Elda Weizman | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 161–183
  • Introducing internet pragmatics
    Chaoqun XieFrancisco Yus | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 1–12
  • Identity-related issues in meme communication
    Francisco Yus | IP 1:1 (2018) pp. 113–133
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 7 (2024)

    Volume 6 (2023)

    Volume 5 (2022)

    Volume 4 (2021)

    Volume 3 (2020)

    Volume 2 (2019)

    Volume 1 (2018)

    Advisory Board
    Jenny Arendholz | University of Munich, Germany
    ORCID logoBrook Bolander | Monash University, Australia
    ORCID logoPatricia Bou-Franch | University of Valencia, Spain
    ORCID logoJan Chovanec | Masaryk University, Czech Republic
    ORCID logoDaria Dayter | Tampere University, Finland
    ORCID logoAnita Fetzer | University of Augsburg, Germany
    ORCID logoPilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich | University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
    Gu Yueguo | Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
    ORCID logoClaire Hardaker | Lancaster University, UK
    ORCID logoMichael Haugh | University of Queensland, Australia
    Ziran He | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
    ORCID logoTheresa Heyd | Heidelberg University, Germany
    Christian R. Hoffmann | University of Augsburg, Germany
    Gang Hong | Zhejiang International Studies University, China
    ORCID logoAndreas H. Jucker | University of Zurich, Switzerland
    ORCID logoMiriam A. Locher | University of Basel, Switzerland
    Nuria Lorenzo-Dus | University of Swansea, UK
    ORCID logoRuth Page | University of Birmingham, UK
    ORCID logoCaroline Tagg | The Open University, UK
    Elda Weizman | Bar Ilan University, Israel
    ORCID logoMichele Zappavigna | The University of New South Wales, Australia
    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 7:2, available as of December 2024

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    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 8 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 320 pp. EUR 164.00 EUR 213.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 55.00 per volume.
    Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

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    Complete backset
    (Vols. 1‒7; 2018‒2024)
    14 issues;
    2,240 pp.
    EUR 1,073.00 EUR 1,224.00
    Volume 7 (2024) 2 issues; 320 pp. EUR 159.00 EUR 194.00
    Volume 6 (2023) 2 issues; 320 pp. EUR 154.00 EUR 176.00
    Volumes 3‒5 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 320 pp. EUR 154.00 per volume EUR 173.00 per volume
    Volume 2 (2019) 2 issues; 320 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 170.00
    Volume 1 (2018) 2 issues; 320 pp. EUR 147.00 EUR 165.00


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    Yus, Francisco. 2011. Cyberpragmatics: Internet-Mediated Communication in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Book (edited volume):

    Dynel, Marta, and Jan Chovanec (eds). 2015. Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Article (in book):

    Arundale, Robert B. and David Good. 2002. “Boundaries and sequences in studying conversation.” In Rethinking Sequentiality: Linguistics Meets Conversational Interaction, ed. by Anita Fetzer, and Christiane Meierkord, 121-150. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Article (in journal):

    Claes, Jeroen, and Luis A. Ortiz López. 2011. “Restricciones pragmáticas y sociales en la expresión de futuridad en el español de Puerto Rico [Pragmatic and social restrictions in the expression of the future in Puerto Rican Spanish].” Spanish in Context 8: 50–72.

    Haugh, Michael, Wei-Lin Melody Chang, and Dániel Z. Kádár. 2015. “’Doing deference’: Identities and relational practices in Chinese online discussion boards.” Pragmatics 25(1): 73-98.

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    Level 1 = bold italics, one line space before, section number flush left. Text starts immediately below.

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    1. .....................

    (or a. .......................)

    2. .....................

    (or b. .......................)

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    Examples and glosses

    Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, thus: (1) ...; (2) ...; etc..

    Examples in languages other than English should be in italics; an approximate translation should be provided. Between the original and the translation lines, a line with glosses (and in cases of more ‘exotic’ languages, a line containing a morphemic breakdown) may be added. Such interlinear information is given without punctuation or highlighting. For the abbreviations in the interlinear gloss, CAPS may be used; these will be converted to small caps by our typesetters in the final formatting.

    Please note that lines 1 and 2 are lined up through the use of spaces: it is essential that the number of elements in lines 1 and 2 match. If two words in the example correspond to one word in the gloss use a full stop to glue the two together (2a). Morphemes are separated by hyphens (1, 2b).

    Every next level in the example gets one indent/tab.















    “He has written many best-sellers.’”




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    “Jan loves Marie.”















    “Ed and Floor are going to live together.”


    For glossing (where applicable), use the Leipzig Glossing Rules ( Use small caps, not full caps for category labels:, not green~ATT-M.PL.


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    ***Note: indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences or phrases, and follow the respective punctuation marks.

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    Communication Studies

    Communication Studies

    Main BIC Subject

    CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

    Main BISAC Subject

    LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics