Interaction Studies
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2016)
2016. iii, 153 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
On the reliability of unreliable information: Gossip as cultural memoryDominic Mitchell, Joanna J. Bryson, Paul Rauwolf & Gordon P.D. Ingram | pp. 1–25
The communicative relevance of auditory nuisance: Barks that are connected to negative inner states in dogs can predict annoyance level in humansPéter Pongrácz, Nikolett Czinege, Thaissa Menezes Pavan Haynes, Rosana Suemi Tokumaru, Ádám Miklósi & Tamás Faragó | pp. 26–47
Construals of meaning: The role of attention in robotic language productionAnne-Laure Mealier, Grégoire Pointeau, Peter Gärdenfors & Peter Ford Dominey | pp. 48–76
Voice features of telephone operators predict auditory preferences of consumersVanessa André, Christine Petr, Nicolas André, Martine Hausberger & Alban Lemasson | pp. 77–97
Children’s referent selection and word learning: Insights from a developmental robotic systemKatherine E. Twomey, Anthony F. Morse, Angelo Cangelosi & Jessica S. Horst | pp. 101–127
Language-at all times: Action and interaction as contexts for enriching representationsIris Nomikou, Malte Schilling, Vivien Heller & Katharina. J. Rohlfing | pp. 128–153
Main BIC Subject
UYQ: Artificial intelligence
Main BISAC Subject
SCI075000: SCIENCE / Philosophy & Social Aspects