Table of Contents
廈門閩南語的文、白形式在構詞層面上的分工與競爭 [Morphological division of labor and competition between colloquial and literary readings: The case of Xiamen Southern Min]郭必之 | pp. 437–468
再談漢語「是」字句及幾類相關結構的語義 [The semantics of Mandarin shi-clefts revisited]劉瑩 & 程工 | pp. 469–501
上聲來源(< -ʔ)新證 [Final *-ʔ as the source of Chinese rising tone (tone B): Some Tibeto-Burman evidence]梅祖麟 | pp. 502–514
閩南語的去鼻化音變與原始沿海閩語的清響音 [Denasalization in Southern Min and voiceless sonorants in Proto-Coastal-Min]沈瑞清 | pp. 515–539
格西霍爾語的示證範疇 [Evidentiality in Dgeshes Horpa]田阡子 & 孫天心 | pp. 540–563
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General