Online Health Communication
Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices
Special issue of Language and Dialogue 14:2 (2024)
[Language and Dialogue, 14:2] 2024. vi, 200 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Online health communication: Expert and lay dialogic practicesAnna Tereszkiewicz & Magdalena Szczyrbak | pp. 171–182
Social identity construction in expert-lay dialogue on FacebookAnna Tereszkiewicz | pp. 183–213
Please explain what this diagnosis means because I don’t quite understand : Patients seeking medical expertise and support in online dialogue to deconstruct hospital discharge documentsAgnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak & Magdalena Zabielska | pp. 214–238
Conflict resolution in online mental health support groups: The role of empathy and informal mediationCarolina Figueras Bates | pp. 239–267
Experto crede : Patient knowledge formation in health communities on FacebookMagdalena Szczyrbak | pp. 268–296
‘The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks… they say’: Italian Facebook users’ comments on the AstraZeneca vaccine suspensionIlaria Riccioni, Alessia Bertolazzi & Ramona Bongelli | pp. 297–331
Viral peer advice: Health memes used as the speech act of advising in EnglishLaurel Smith Stvan | pp. 332–370
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject