Natural Language Processing
Editorial Assistant
The scope of NLP ranges from theoretical Computational Linguistics topics to highly practical Language Technology topics. The focus of the series is on new results in NLP and modern alternative theories and methodologies.
More information on Natural Language Processing.
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Patrizia Giampieri
2024. ix, 337 pp.
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Edited by Dana Dannélls, Lars Borin and Karin Friberg Heppin
2021. xiv, 333 pp.
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Noa P. Cruz Díaz and Manuel J. Maña López
2019. ix, 95 pp.
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Michael P. Oakes
2014. x, 283 pp.
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Kevin Bretonnel Cohen and Dina Demner-Fushman
2014. xi, 160 pp.
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Sylviane Cardey
2013. xi, 194 pp.
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Edited by Abdelhadi Soudi, Ali Farghaly, Günter Neumann and Rabih Zbib
2012. viii, 157 pp.
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Edited by Yorick Wilks
2010. xxii, 315 pp.
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Sandra Kübler
2004. viii, 294 pp.
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Ion Androutsopoulos
2002. x, 306 pp.
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Peter Jackson and Isabelle Moulinier
2007. x, 231 pp.
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Peter Jackson and Isabelle Moulinier
2002. x, 226 pp.
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Edited by Paola Merlo and Suzanne Stevenson
2002. viii, 363 pp.
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Inderjeet Mani
2001. xii, 286 pp.
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Edited by Didier Bourigault, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme
2001. xviii, 379 pp.
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Edited by Harry Bunt and William Black
2000. vii, 471 pp.
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