Recent Advances in Computational Terminology
This first collection of selected articles from researchers in automatic analysis, storage, and use of terminology, and specialists in applied linguistics, computational linguistics, information retrieval, and artificial intelligence offers new insights on computational terminology. The recent needs for intelligent information access, automatic query translation, cross-lingual information retrieval, knowledge management, and document handling have led practitioners and engineers to focus on automated term handling. This book offers new perspectives on their expectations. It will be of interest to terminologists, translators, language or knowledge engineers, librarians and all others dependent on the automation of terminology processing in professional practices.
The articles cover themes such as automatic thesaurus construction, automatic term acquisition, automatic term translation, automatic indexing and abstracting, and computer-aided knowledge acquisition.
The high academic standing of the contributors together with their experience in terminology management results in a set of contributions that tackle original and unique scientific issues in correlation with genuine applications of terminology processing.
The articles cover themes such as automatic thesaurus construction, automatic term acquisition, automatic term translation, automatic indexing and abstracting, and computer-aided knowledge acquisition.
The high academic standing of the contributors together with their experience in terminology management results in a set of contributions that tackle original and unique scientific issues in correlation with genuine applications of terminology processing.
[Natural Language Processing, 2] 2001. xviii, 379 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
IntroductionDidier Bourigault, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme | pp. viii–xviii
A graph-based approach to the automatic generation of multilingual keyword clustersAkiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura | pp. 1–27
The automatic construction of faceted terminological feedback for interactive document retrievalPeter G. Anick | pp. 29–52
Automatic term detection: A review of current systemsM. Teresa Cabré Castellví, Rosa Estopà Bagot and Jordi Vivaldi Palatresi | pp. 53–87
Incremental extraction of domain-specific terms from online text resourcesLee-Feng Chien and Chun-Liang Chen | pp. 89–109
Knowledge-based terminology management in medicineJames J. Cimino | pp. 111–126
Searching for and identifying conceptual relationships via a corpus-based approach to a Terminological Knowledge Base (CTKB): Method and ResultsAnne Condamines and Josette Rebeyrolle | pp. 127–148
Qualitative terminology extraction: Identifying relational adjectivesBéatrice Daille | pp. 149–166
General considerations on bilingual terminology extractionEric Gaussier | pp. 167–183
Detection of synonymy links between terms: Experiment and resultsThierry Hamon and Adeline Nazarenko | pp. 185–208
Extracting useful terms from parenthetical expressions by combining simple rules and statistical measures: A comparative evaluation of bigram statisticsToru Hisamitsu and Yoshiki Niwa | pp. 209–224
Software tools to support the construction of bilingual terminology lexiconsDavid A. Hull | pp. 225–244
Determining semantic equivalence of terms in information retrieval: An approach based on context distance and morphologyHongyan Jing and Evelyne Tzoukermann | pp. 245–260
Term extraction using a similarity-based approachDiana Maynard and Sophia Ananiadou | pp. 261–278
Extracting knowledge-rich contexts for terminography: A conceptual and methodological frameworkIngrid Meyer | pp. 279–302
Experimental evaluation of ranking and selection methods in term extractionHiroshi Nakagawa | pp. 303–325
Corpus-based extension of a terminological semantic lexiconA. Nazarenko, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Benoît Habert and J. Bouaud | pp. 327–351
Term extraction for automatic abstractingMichael P. Oakes and Chris D. Paice | pp. 353–370
About the contributors | pp. 371–375
Name Index | pp. 375–377
Subject Index | pp. 377–379
“[...] an excellent starting point for those who would like to rapidly understand the basic problems in the field, to become aware of the major achievements, to get new ideas about potential applications, to update some pointers to an abundant literature, and to get a rapid overview of ongoing work in the field.”
Philippe Langlais
“This is a welcome addition to the literature as it represents one of the few places where papers on this topic are gathered in one volume. Previously, information on computational terminology was scattered throughout the literature in isolated journal papers, conference papers, etc. The editors are to be commended for consolidating high-quality research on computational terminology into a single collection.”
Lynne Bowker, University of Ottawa, in Machine Translation 18, 2003
Cited by (13)
Cited by 13 other publications
Darmois, Emmanuel & Martin Boecker
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria, Stefano Marchesin & Gianmaria Silvello
Belhoucine, Kaoutar, Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki & Abdelaaziz Mouloudi
Rojas-Garcia, Juan & Pamela Faber
Ge, Shili & Xiaoxiao Chen
Condamines, Anne
2017. Chapter 1. The emotional dimension in terminological variation. In Multiple Perspectives on Terminological Variation [Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 18], ► pp. 11 ff. 
Ge, Shili, Jingchao Zhang & Xiaoxiao Chen
Kister, Laurence, Evelyne Jacquey & Bertrand Gaiffe
Thoiron, Philippe & Henri Béjoint
Cerbah, Farid & Béatrice Daille
Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia
L'Homme, Marie-Claude
[no author supplied]
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General