Media as Procedures of Communication
The book explores the multifaceted nature of media and communication by challenging traditional views that consider media solely as technical infrastructures for transmitting information. Instead, it focuses on mediality as an empirically relevant concept and proposes to understand media as socially constituted semiotic procedures that shape and are shaped by communicative practices. The book is structured around this central idea, with four main sections.
Part I examines digital environments, analyzing the interplay between multimodal approaches and mediality through case studies such as digital learning platforms and Zoom seminars. Part II focuses on journalistic procedures, investigating how media shapes political debates and news presentation on platforms like Instagram. Part III delves into embodied processes, particularly the role of the body movements and gestures in communication, illustrated through analyses of yoga tutorials and family dinner conversations. Part IV combines diverse semiotic and medial resources, with studies on historical data interpretation and virtual reality gaming practices. The book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of different media in constituting meaning and shaping social interactions.
Part I examines digital environments, analyzing the interplay between multimodal approaches and mediality through case studies such as digital learning platforms and Zoom seminars. Part II focuses on journalistic procedures, investigating how media shapes political debates and news presentation on platforms like Instagram. Part III delves into embodied processes, particularly the role of the body movements and gestures in communication, illustrated through analyses of yoga tutorials and family dinner conversations. Part IV combines diverse semiotic and medial resources, with studies on historical data interpretation and virtual reality gaming practices. The book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of different media in constituting meaning and shaping social interactions.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 348] 2024. vi, 308 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 October 2024
Published online on 17 October 2024
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction: Why mediality matters — media as procedures of communicationMartin Luginbühl and Jan Georg Schneider | pp. 1–13
Section 1. Digital environment procedures
Chapter 2. Mediality vs. materiality: A multimodal perspective on the notion of media as proceduresJanina Wildfeuer | pp. 16–39
Chapter 3. Format as the locus of negotiating media procedures: The case of a Zoom seminar sessionPeter Schildhauer and Alexander Brock | pp. 40–65
Section 2. Journalistic media procedures
Chapter 4. “Do you have an idea what this clown is doing?”: Multimodal media staging in the first presidential debate and the vice presidential debate 2020Martin Luginbühl and Jan Georg Schneider | pp. 68–97
Chapter 5. Playing one’s part within a medial procedure: A talk show host’s role-specific interactionGeorg Albert | pp. 98–123
Chapter 6. Media as cookie cutters: Exploring the digital mediality of news on InstagramDaniel Pfurtscheller | pp. 124–155
Section 3. Embodied procedures
Chapter 7. Media as processes of doing and perceiving: How a yoga pose in an online tutorial takes on meaning as felt sensationSilva H. Ladewig and Dorothea Horst | pp. 158–187
Chapter 8. The choreography of multimedial procedures and multimodal languaging in French family dinnersAliyah Morgenstern | pp. 188–217
Section 4. Mixed media procedures
Chapter 9. Handling signs medially: On mediality and indexicality in semiotic media practicesMark Dang-Anh | pp. 220–245
Chapter 10. Digital play as procedures: Social, technological, and ludic practices in the innovative VR multiplayer co-location game Spacecraft — A New Way HomeHiloko Kato | pp. 246–289
Section 5. Commentary
Chapter 11. Polymedia procedures: A commentaryJannis Androutsopoulos | pp. 292–305
Index | pp. 307–308
Communication Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics