English in Europe Today
Sociocultural and educational perspectives
This volume discusses several facets of English in today's multilingual Europe. It emphasizes the interdependence between cultures, languages and situations that influence its use. This interdependence is particularly relevant to European settings where English is being learned as a second language. Such learning situations constitute the core focus of the book. The volume is unique in bringing together empirical studies examining factors that promote the learning of English in Europe. Rather than assuming that English is a threat to linguistic diversity and cultural independence, these studies discuss psycholinguistic factors such as the input, and sociolinguistic factors such as the type of English that is targeted in learning. The contributing authors are well-established specialists who have worked on multilingualism, English as a Lingua Franca and second language acquisition.
The book will be of interest to applied linguists, sociolinguists and teachers of English as a foreign language.
[AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 8] 2011. xi, 170 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 January 2011
Published online on 21 January 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
List of contributors | pp. ix–9
Acknowledgement | pp. xi–11
The dynamics of English in a multilingual EuropeAntje Wilton and Annick De Houwer | pp. 1–13
The increasing role of English in Basque educationJasone Cenoz | pp. 15–30
English language testing: A case study of test development in GreeceSusan M. Gass and Daniel Reed | pp. 31–50
When comprehension is crucial: Using English as a medium of instruction at a German universityAnnelie Knapp | pp. 51–70
English as a lingua franca and the Standard English misunderstandingKurt Kohn | pp. 71–94
The early acquisition of English as a second language: The case of young Chinese learners of English in BritainLi Wei | pp. 95–112
“The more languages, the more English?”: A Dutch perspectiveJacomine M. Nortier | pp. 113–132
Conceptualizing ‘English’ for a multilingual EuropeBarbara Seidlhofer | pp. 133–146
English as a foreign language: The role of out-of-school language inputMarjolijn H. Verspoor, Kees de Bot and Eva van Rein | pp. 147–166
Index | pp. 167–170
“The nine chapters in this book testify to the many different facets of English in a multilingual and multicultural Europe. I personally found every single contribution interesting and valuable, a rare experience in this type of collection.”
Marc Deneire, Nancy Université, on Linguist List 22-868, 2011
“This edited volume in honour of Karlfried Knapp is an informative and thought-provoking collection of articles, with several of the contributions being closely related to Knapp's own research interests surrounding the use, acquisition and instruction of the English language. Particular strengths of the book lie in the wide range of issues and contexts examined, and the diversity of perspectives which the authors take to address current theoretical, ideological and practical concerns involved in language use and education in Europe today. The volume will be a valuable resource for scholars and graduate students interested in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and second language education. Chapters from the book could be used to supplement a variety of courses in these areas. Decision-makers and language teachers will also find the articles in this collection of interest, given the implications of much of the research presented for language education policy and practice in Europe and internationally.”
Andrea Révész, Lancaster University, in International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 15(3): 380-383, 2012
“Der von Annick De Houwer und Antje Wilton attraktiv konzipierte und sorgfältig edierte Sammelband vereinigt neben dem orientierenden Einleitungsaufsatz der Herausgeberinnen acht weitere ansprechende und z.T. sehr innovative Beiträge von bekannten europäischen und amerikanischen angewandten Linguisten.”
Claus Gnutzmann, Braunschweig, in Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 41(1): 122-125, 2012
Cited by (7)
Cited by seven other publications
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2017. Anglicisms and their use in an Internet forum addressed to Spanish-speaking teenagers. Spanish in Context 14:3 ► pp. 440 ff. 
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Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz & Juan Manuel Sierra
2014. Introduction. In Motivation and Foreign Language Learning [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 40], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFDM: Bilingualism & multilingualism
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General