The Critical Link 3
Interpreters in the Community
Selected papers from the Third International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Montréal, Quebec, Canada 22–26 May 2001
At long last community interpreters are coming into their own as professionals in various parts of the world. At the same time, the complexity of their practice has been thrown into sharp relief. In this thought-provoking volume of selected papers from the third Critical Link conference held in 2001 (Montreal), we see a profession that is carving out a place for itself amid political adversity, economic constraints and a host of historical and cultural conditions. Community interpreters are learning to work better with governments, courts, police, psychologists, doctors, patients, refugees, violent offenders, and human rights missions in war-torn countries. From First Peoples to minority language speakers to former refugees and members of the Deaf community, interpreters are seeking out the training, legal protection and credentials they need. They are standing up to be counted in surveys, reaping the fruits of specialization and contributing to salient academic discussions on language, communication and translation studies.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 46] 2003. xii, 359 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 18 March 2011
Published online on 18 March 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Préface: la complexité d’une profession | pp. 1–2
Preface: The Complexity of the Profession | pp. 3–4
Introduction (français) | pp. 5–8
Introduction (English) | pp. 9–12
From Theory to Practice
The Interpersonal Role of the Interpreter in Cross-Cultural Communication: A Survey of Conference, Court and Medical Interpreters in the US, Canada and MexicoClaudia V. Angelelli | pp. 15–26
The Myth of the Uninvolved Interpreter Interpreting in Mental Health and the Development of a Three- Person PsychologyHanneke Bot | pp. 27–35
The Feminist-Relational Approach: A Social Construct for Event ManagementLynne Eighinger and Ben Karlin | pp. 37–47
The Interpreter and Others: Compromise and Collaboration
Les différentes figures d’interaction en interprétation de dialogueDanielle-Claude Bélanger | pp. 51–66
Analysing Interpreted Doctor–Patient Communication from the Perspectives of Linguistics, Interpreting Studies and Health SciencesBernd Meyer, Birgit Apfelbaum, Franz Pöchhacker and Alexandre Bischoff | pp. 67–79
Training Doctors to Work Effectively with InterpretersHelen Tebble | pp. 81–95
Interpreter Training: New Realities, New Needs, New Challenges
Creating a High-Standard, Inclusive and Authentic Certification ProcessMaria-Paz Beltran Avery | pp. 99–112
Community Interpreting in Denmark: Results of a SurveyFriedel Dubslaff and Bodil Martinsen | pp. 113–125
La formation des interprètes autochtones et les leçons à en tirerMarco A. Fiola | pp. 127–146
Interpreting for the Perpetrator in the Partner Assault Response Program: The Selection and Training ProcessMelanie Oda and Donna Joyette | pp. 147–161
Fit for Purpose? Interpreter Training for Students from Refugee BackgroundsJane Straker and Helen Watts | pp. 163–176
Responding to Communication Needs: Current Issues and Challenges in Community Interpreting and Translating in SpainCarmen Valero Garcés | pp. 177–192
The Legal System and the Role of the Court Interpreter: A Dual Dilemma
Taking an Interpreted Witness Statement at the Police Station: What Did the Witness Actually Say?Yvonne Fowler | pp. 195–209
Court Interpreting: Malaysian PerspectivesZubaidah Ibrahim and Roger T. Bell | pp. 211–222
Pragmatics in Court Interpreting: AdditionsBente Jacobsen | pp. 223–238
Court Interpreters as Social Actors: Venezuela, a Case StudyEdith Vilela Biasi | pp. 239–245
Complex Profession, Professional Complexity
Health Interpreting in New Zealand: The Cultural DivideIneke H.M. Crezee | pp. 249–259
Assessing the “Costs” of Health Interpreter Programs: The Risks and the PromiseSarah Bowen and Joseph M. Kaufert | pp. 261–272
Community-Based Interpreting: The Interpreters’ PerspectiveTerry Chesher, Helen Slatyer, Vadim Doubine, Lia Jaric and Rosy Lazzari | pp. 273–292
European Equivalencies in Legal Interpreting and TranslationAnn Corsellis, Erik Hertog, Bodil Martinsen, Edda Ostarhild-Jones and Yolanda Vanden Bosch | pp. 293–305
Follow-on Protection of Interpreters in Areas of ConflictRoy / Francis Thomas | pp. 307–317
Works Cited | pp. 319–331
Index | pp. 333–359
Tables | p. ix
Figures | p. x
Appendices | p. xi
“CL3 is essential reading for anyone interested in the development of this discipline: The contribution of the Critical Link series, widely used by students, schoalrs alike, is essential to this discipline, still in its infancy [...]”
Mette Rudvin, in inTRAlinea, recensioni, Spring 2004
“Tout les articles contenus dans la présente publication méritent l'attention de la communauté des professionnels et des traductologues et nous ne pouvons qu'espérer que The Critical Link 4 verra bientôt le jour.”
Ivana Čeňková, in Target 17:2
“There is no doubt that the proceedings of Critical Link 3 truly reflect the strong social and community commitment of those involved in the Critical Link conferences, evidenced in the range and diversity of the papers selected for the monograph. They provide a continuous contribution to practices and challenges faced by the interpreting profession.”
Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy, National University of Ireland, Galway, on Linguist List Vol. 15-1726
Cited by (8)
Cited by eight other publications
Al-Salman, Saleh M.
House, Juliane & Jens Loenhoff
2016. Communication studies and translation studies. In Border Crossings [Benjamins Translation Library, 126], ► pp. 97 ff. 
Niemants, Natacha
Jiang, Lihua, Chong Han, Jinlin Jiang & Yue Feng
2014. The sociological turn in the interpreter’s role. Translation and Interpreting Studies 9:2 ► pp. 274 ff. 
Valero Garcés, Carmen
Zimányi, Krisztina
2012. Conflict recognition, prevention and resolution in mental health interpreting. Journal of Language and Politics 11:2 ► pp. 207 ff. 
Milton, John
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 11 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting