Dialogues on Work and Innovation

Werner Fricke | Institute for Regional Cooperation
Richard Ennals | Kingston University
Øyvind Pålshaugen | Work Research Institute, Oslo
Publishing status: Discontinued
The book series presents empirically based studies as well as theoretical discussions on the practice of organizational renewal. Its publications reflect the increasingly urgent need for the development of new forms of work organization. In today’s interdependent world workplace reform and orgnizational effectiveness are no longer solely the concern of individual organizations; the local and the global have become closely connected.

Dialogues on Work and Innovation mirrors the fact that enterprise development and societal development cannot be kept separate. Furthermore, the series focuses on the dialogue between theory and practice, and thus on the mutuality of knowledge and action, of research and development. The dialogues stress the critical significance of joint reflexivity in action-oriented research and the necessity for participatory processes in organizational change.

Edited by Werner Fricke and Peter Totterdill
2004. x, 355 pp.
Edited by Morten Levin
2002. viii, 267 pp.
Bjørn Gustavsen, Håkon Finne and Bo Oscarsson
2001. x, 281 pp.
Peter Muntigl, Gilbert Weiss and Ruth Wodak
2000. viii, 234 pp.
Ingrid Ljungberg van Beinum
2000. xviii, 186 pp.
Edited by Satu Kalliola and Risto Nakari
1999. iv, 177 pp.
Edited by Hans van Beinum
Edited by Davydd J. Greenwood
1999. x, 283 pp.
Richard Ennals and Bjørn Gustavsen
1999. viii, 209 pp.
Edited by Bjørn Gustavsen, Tom Colbjørnsen and Øyvind Pålshaugen
1998. xi, 153 pp.
Øyvind Pålshaugen
1999. vi, 149 pp.
Merrelyn Emery
1999. xxiv, 258 pp.
Bjørn Gustavsen, Bernd Hofmaier, Marianne Ekman Philips and Anders Wikman
1996. ix, 198 pp.
Edited by Stephen Toulmin and Bjørn Gustavsen
1996. viii, 233 pp.
Frieder Naschold † and Casten von Otter
1996. vi, 178 pp.
Editorial Committee
Oğuz N. Babüroğlu | Bilkent University, Ankara
Göran Brulin | National Institute for Working Life, Stockholm
Claude Faucheux | CREDS, Fontainebleau
Davydd J. Greenwood | Cornell University
Denis Gregory | Ruskin College, Oxford
Bjørn Gustavsen | National Institute For Working Life, Stockholm
Ingalill Holmberg | Centre for Advanced Studies in Leadership, Stockholm
Annemieke J.M. Roobeek | University of Amsterdam
John Shotter | University of New Hampshire
Stephen Toulmin | University of Southern California
René van der Vlist | University of Leiden
International Advisory Board
Tuomo Alasoini | Ministry of Labour, Finland
Gilles Amado | Hautes Etudes Commerciales
Björn T. Asheim | University of Oslo, Norway
Jean Bartunek | Boston College, USA
ORCID logoMichael Billig | Loughborough University, UK
René Bouwen | University of Leuven, Belgium
Walter Carlsnaes | Uppsala University, Sweden
John Forester | Cornell University, USA
Hans Joas | University of Berlin, Germany
Kjell S. Johannessen | University of Bergen, Norway
Ingela Josefson | Sodertorns Hogskole, Huddinge, Sweden
Herman Kuipers | University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Rolf Lindholm | Affarskollegiet, Stockholm, Sweden
Michel Liu | University Paris-Dauphine, France
Thomas McCarthy | Northwestern University, USA
Indira Parikh | Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
John Puckett | University of Pennsylvania, USA
Louis Quéré | Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France
Eva Senghaas-Knobloch | University of Bremen, Germany
Abram de Swaan | PdlS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wladimir Yadow | Institute for Sociology, Moscow, Russia