Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 24, Issue 3 (1997)
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Notes on the beginnings of systematic dialect description and comparison in ChineseDavid Prager Branner | pp. 235–266
The Italian connection in Juan de Valdés’ Diálogo de la lenguaAngelo Mazzocco | pp. 267–283
Wilhelm von Humboldt, Edward Sapir, and the constructivist frameworkJon Erickson, Marion Gymnich & Ansgar Nünning | pp. 285–306
El funcionalismo de rodolfo lenz: Una tradición de América a EspañaJosé A. Martínez | pp. 307–330
Andrés Bello: Sus antecedentes en la filosofia británica y su proyección en la lingüistica modernaEnrique Obediente & Francesco D’Introno | pp. 331–348
Polysemy: Patterns of meaning and patterns in historyBrigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke | pp. 349–385
Michael Elmentaler. 1996. Logisch-semantische Studien in der Grammatik des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen zur Kategorieniehre von Simon Heinrich Adolf HerlingRezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | pp. 387–394
Ulrike Haß-Zumkehr. Daniel Sanders: Aufgeklärte Germanistik im 19. JahrhunderîRezensiert von Jürgen Storost | pp. 395–399
Even Hovdhaugen (Ed. by). 1996. … and the Word was God: Missionary Linguistics and Missionary GrammarReviewed by Cristina Altman | pp. 400–404
Geoffrey J. Huck & John A. Goldsmith. 1996. Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the deep structure debatesReviewed by Frits Stuurman | pp. 405–411
Frederick J. Newmeyer. 1996. Generative Linguistics: A historical perspectiveReviewed by Mike Dillinger | pp. 412–416
Manfred Ringmacher. 1996. Organismus der Sprachidee: H. Steinthals Weg von Humboldt zu HumboldtRezensiert von Donatella Di Cesare | pp. 417–420
George W. Stocking (Ed. by). 1996. Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian ethnography and the German anthropological traditionReviewed by Regna Darnell | pp. 421–423
Kees Versteegh (Introduction, translation, commentary by). 1995. The Explanation of Linguistic Causes: Az-Zāğğağī’s theory of grammarReviewed by Ernest N. McCarus | pp. 424–428
Hans-Josef Niederehe: List of publications, 1966–1997E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 429–440
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene schriftenStéphane Goyette & E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 441–453
Articles – Aufsätze
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen
Publications received – Ouvrages reçus – Eingegangene Schriften