Language Contact and Contact Languages

 | University of Hamburg
 | University of Hamburg
ISBN 9789027219275 | EUR 75.00 | USD 113.00
ISBN 9789027290786 | EUR 75.00 | USD 113.00
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This new volume on language contact and contact languages presents cutting-edge research by distinguished scholars in the field as well as by highly talented newcomers. It has two principal aims: to analyze language contact from different perspectives – notably those of language typology, diachronic linguistics, language acquisition and translation studies; and to describe, explain, and elaborate on universal constraints on language contact. The individual chapters offer systematic comparisons of a wealth of contact situations and the book as a whole makes a valuable contribution to deepening our understanding of contact-induced language change. With its broad approach, this work will be welcomed by scholars of many different persuasions.
[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 7] 2008.  x, 358 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 14 October 2008
Table of Contents
Cited by (36)

Cited by 36 other publications

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Trips, Carola
2020. Copying of argument structure. In Historical Linguistics 2017 [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 350],  pp. 409 ff. DOI logo
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2012. Universals in language contact and translation. Across Languages and Cultures 13:1  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Reconstructing Language History. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Analogy and Systematic Repair. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Motivations of Language Change. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Natural Processes. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Inverted Operations. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Tempo and Mora in Phonological Change. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 238 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Denaturalized Phonetic Processes. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Building on the Tradition. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 64 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I, DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. How Language Change is Investigated. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 12 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Introduction. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Miller, D. Gary
2010. Vowel Shifts and the Middle English Vowels. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 270 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Bibliographical Abbreviations. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. xxix ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Copyright Page. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. iv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Dating and Other Conventions. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. xv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Abbreviations. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. xvii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Special Phonetic Symbols. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 288 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Preface. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. xii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2010. Primary Sources: Texts and Editions. In Language Change and Linguistic Theory, Volume I,  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2013. Summary and outlook. In Varieties of English,  pp. 278 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CFB: Sociolinguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2008005166 | Marc record