Mots nous en català / New words in Catalan
Una panoràmica geolectal / A diatopic view
This is an innovative and distinctive comparative monograph about new word creation in the different varieties of Catalan. In eight chapters, it provides a panoramic analysis of the neologisms documented by the NEOXOC network. Each chapter is dedicated to the qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as the comparative territorial analysis, of neologisms, differentiated by formation sources: suffixation, prefixation, neoclassical compounding, vernacular compounding and syntagmatic compounding, Spanish loanwords, English loanwords, truncation and semantic change. Two annexes contain the neologisms cited as well as a sample of the data collected by NEOXOC from a corpus during 2008-2010, thus establishing a link with previous studies carried out by the Observatori de Neologia. This book is of interest to scholars of the Catalan language and to anyone involved in lexical neology, or in more specific fields such as morphology or lexical semantics. Moreover, the innovative approach (based on the analysis of diatopic variation in Catalan lexical neology) makes it relevant for those who are interested in the evolution of languages, linguistic variation and language planning. The chapters are written in Catalan, with extensive English summaries.
[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 7] 2014. xiv, 276 pp
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 26 September 2014
Published online on 26 September 2014
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Autors i autores / Authors | pp. vii–xi
Abreviacions usades / Abbreviations | pp. xiii–xiv
Presentació. La neologia, més enllà de l’actualització de diccionaris / Foreword. Neology, more than updating dictionariesM. Teresa Cabré Castellví | pp. 1–4
Prefaci / PrefaceOna Domènech Bagaria and Rosa Estopà Bagot | pp. 5–22
Prefixació / PrefixationJordi Ginebra, Roser Llagostera and Xavier Rull | pp. 23–39
Sufixació / SuffixationOna Domènech Bagaria and Rosa Estopà Bagot | pp. 41–66
Composició culta / Neoclassical compoundingJordi Ginebra, Roser Llagostera and Xavier Rull | pp. 67–83
Composició patrimonial i sintagmació / Vernacular Compounding and Syntagmatic CompoundingAndreu Sentí | pp. 85–114
Manlleus del castellà / Spanish loanwordCarolina Bastida | pp. 115–131
Manlleus de l’anglès / English loanwordsMaria Gené-Gil | pp. 133–144
Truncació / TruncationImmaculada Fàbregas Alegret | pp. 145–177
Neologismes semantics / Semantic changeImma Creus and Joan Julià-Muné | pp. 179–205
Annexos / Appendices | pp. 213–273
Index | pp. 275–276
Main BIC Subject
CF/2ADC: Linguistics/Catalan
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General