Journal of Uralic Linguistics
Main information
Linguistic research on Uralic languages has been undergoing profound and multi-layered renewal as well as extraordinary expansion in recent years. This shift has been marked by the extension of in-depth linguistic work on general linguistic topics of current interest to an ever-growing number of Uralic languages, and the appearance of electronic research tools. The core mission of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics (JUL) is twofold. First, it aspires to serve an integrative role in Uralic linguistics, broadly construed, by striving to bridge currently existing gaps between various research traditions and areas of specialization, providing them with a common platform. Second, it aims to bolster the impact that results from the study of Uralic languages have on general linguistic theory and typology.
The journal brings together formal, typological, descriptive, as well as experimental treatments of data, covering a broad linguistic scope. This scope includes all core grammatical disciplines of linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), as well as the interdisciplinary fields of research at the interfaces with other disciplines, including phonetics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, language documentation, and language technology, among others. Analyses of data from a single Uralic language/variety and comparisons across languages/varieties (either within Uralic, or between Uralic and non-Uralic) are equally encouraged. Studies that bear on current, topical issues in general linguistics, work on lesser studied and endangered languages and language varieties, and contributions reporting new empirical findings will be especially welcome.
JUL is a continuation of Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics and Approaches to Hungarian .
JUL is peer-reviewed and published in English.
Volume 3 (2024)
Volume 2 (2023)
Volume 1 (2022)
Subscription Info
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Subscription rates
All prices for print + online include postage/handling.
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Volume 4 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 250 pp. | EUR |
Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.
Available back-volumes
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Complete backset (Vols. 1‒3; 2022‒2024) |
6 issues; 750 pp. |
EUR 594.00 | EUR 690.00 |
Volume 3 (2024) | 2 issues; 250 pp. | EUR |
Volume 2 (2023) | 2 issues; 250 pp. | EUR |
Volume 1 (2022) | 2 issues; 250 pp. | EUR |
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