Nota Bene | Journal for Linguistics in Belgium and The Netherlands

ORCID logoSteven Schoonjans | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt / KULeuven
ORCID logoHelen de Hoop | Radboud Universiteit

Nota Bene is broad in scope, covering current research from across the language sciences and adjacent disciplines. It features both topical special issues and reports of current work. Articles undergo an external peer review process focused on high academic quality. Rooted in the vibrant community of language researchers in Belgium and The Netherlands, the journal transcends its geographical basis both through the international orientation of its advisory board and by inviting international scholars to contribute original papers. This makes Nota Bene a valuable resource for scholars interested in current developments and work in progress in the field of linguistics at large.
A joint publication of the linguistic societies of Belgium (CBL/BKL) and The Netherlands (AVT), Nota Bene represents the continuation of two long-standing scholarly journals: Linguistics in the Netherlands (established 1985) and the Belgian Journal of Linguistics (established 1986).

ISSN: 2950-189X | E-ISSN: 2950-1881
DOI logo

Volume 1 (2024)

Editorial Board
ORCID logoJenny Audring | Leiden University, The Netherlands
ORCID logoElma Blom | Utrecht University, The Netherlands
ORCID logoTimothy Colleman | Ghent University, Belgium
ORCID logoLeonie Cornips | Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Philippine Geelhand de Merxem | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
ORCID logoThomas Hoelbeek | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
ORCID logoJacqueline van Kampen | Utrecht University, The Netherlands
ORCID logoBert Le Bruyn | Utrecht University, The Netherlands
ORCID logoBettelou Los | University of Edinburgh, UK
ORCID logoTanja Mortelmans | University of Antwerp, Belgium
Laurent Rasier | University of Liège, Belgium
Marie Steffens | Utrecht University, The Netherlands & University of Liège, Belgium
ORCID logoGuido Vanden Wyngaerd | KU Leuven, Belgium
Subscription Info
Next issue: 1:1, expected November 2024
Next issue: 1:2, expected January 2025

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 2 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 400 pp. EUR 251.00 EUR 309.00
Volume 1 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 400 pp. EUR 244.00 EUR 281.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 60.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.


Information for authors

Nota Bene is a combined journal of the linguistic societies of Belgium (CBL/BKL) and The Netherlands (AVT). The journal publishes two issues per year, one under the auspices and editorship of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (CBL/BKL) and one under the auspices and editorship of the Linguistic Society of The Netherlands (AVT).


  1. The CBL/BKL issue will have a call for papers through the CBL/BKL website; the call for papers for issue 2:1 (2025) is available (PDF).
  2. The AVT issue is open only to submissions from presenters from the annual conference of the society (Annual Dutch Linguistics Day/Grote Taaldag); all presenters will receive instructions from the conference organizers after the event.

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For information on authors' rights, please consult the rights information page.

Open Access

All articles published in Nota Bene will become Open Access 12 months after the publication of the issue in which they appeared, through the support of the societies.

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Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General