Modality in Grammar and Discourse

 | University of New Mexico
 | University of California, Berkeley
ISBN 9789027229250 (Eur) | EUR 150.00
ISBN 9781556196393 (USA) | USD 225.00
ISBN 9789027229267 (Eur) | EUR 55.00
ISBN 9781556196409 (USA) | USD 83.00
ISBN 9789027285720 | EUR 150.00/55.00*
| USD 225.00/83.00*
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This volume brings together a collection of 18 papers that look into the expression of modality in the grammars of natural languages, with an emphasis on its manifestations in naturally occurring discourse. Though the individual contributions reflect a diversity of languages, of synchronic and diachronic foci, and of theoretical orientations — all within the broad domain of functional linguistics — they nonetheless converge around a number of key issues: the relationship between 'mood' and 'modality'; the delineation of modal categories and their nomenclature; the grounding of modality in interactive discourse; the elusive category 'irrealis'; and the relationship of modal notions and categories to other categories of grammar.
[Typological Studies in Language, 32] 1995.  viii, 575 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 April 2011
Table of Contents
Cited by (119)

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