New Approaches to the Study of Later Modern English
Special issue of Historiographia Linguistica XXXIII:1/2 (2006)
[Historiographia Linguistica, 33:1/2] 2006. 272
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 July 2006
Published online on 17 July 2006
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Note du rédacteur-en-chefE. F. K. Koerner | pp. v–vi
New approaches to the study of later modern EnglishJoan C. Beal, Jane Hodson, Richard Steadman-Jones & Carol Percy | pp. 1–9
Deconstructing female conventions: Ann Fisher (1719–1778)Maria E. Rodríguez-Gil | pp. 11–38
James Merrick (1720–1769): Poet, scholar, linguistIngrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade | pp. 39–56
The problem of Joseph Priestley’s (1733–1804) descriptivismJane Hodson | pp. 57–84
An Englishman’s Vindication of Scots: James Adams (1737–1802) – Jesuit, teacher and linguistMartina Häcker | pp. 85–107
Disciplining women? Grammar, gender, and leisure in the works of Ellenor Fenn (1743–1813)Carol Percy | pp. 109–137
William Perry’s The Royal Standard English Dictionary (1775): A provincial’s attempt to ascertain and fix a standard to the pronunciation of the English tongueMassimo Sturiale | pp. 139–168
‘An inversion of opticks’: Glimpses of English in the Hindustani scholarship of John Gilchrist (1759–1841)Richard Steadman-Jones | pp. 169–193
Par Rosaria Vignolo Munson. 2005. Black Doves Speak: Herodotus and the languages of barbariansCompte rendu par Bruno Rochette | pp. 197–202
Larissa G. Stepanova. 2005. Leggere la grammatica: Le postille inedite al trattato di Pietro Bembo “Prose della volgar lingua” (1525, lib. III)Recensione di Claudio Marazzini | pp. 201–208
Dietmar Till. 2004. Transformationen der Rhetorik: Untersuchungen zum Wandel der Rhetoriktheorie im 17. und 18. JahrhundertReviewed by Nicola McLelland | pp. 209–216
Jürgen Trabant. 2004. Vico’s New Science of Ancient Signs: A Study of SematologyReviewed by Stefano Gensini | pp. 216–221
Hidesaburo Saito, Kazuo Dohi, Yuri Komuro, Junko Sugimoto, Takahiro Kokawa, Rumi Takahashi, Tetsuo Osada & Satoko Isozaki. 2004. Jukugo-Hon’i-Eiwa-Chu-Jiten (Saito’s Idiomological English- Japanese Dictionary, 1915)LexiconReviewed by Hideki Watanabe | pp. 222–229
Konrad Ehlich & Katharina Meng (Ed. by). 2004. Die Aktualität des Verdrängten: Studien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft im 20. JahrhundertReviewed by Bernard Mees | pp. 230–235
Julia Kuhlmann. 2003. Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach 1945Rezensiert von Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers | pp. 236–243
Robin Tolmach Lakoff (Ed. by). 2004. Language and Woman’s PlaceText and CommentariesReviewed by Marlis Hellinger | pp. 244–250
Publications Received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene SchriftenE. F. K. Koerner & John E. Joseph | pp. 251–262
Articles – Aufsätze
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen
Publications received – Ouvrages reçus – Eingegangene Schriften
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General