Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 37, Issue 1/2 (2010)
2010. vi, 277 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 May 2010
Published online on 21 May 2010
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Justus Georgius Schottelius (1612–1676) and European Linguistic ThoughtNicola McLelland | pp. 1–30
Imaginative Science: The interactions of Henry Sweet’s linguistic thought and E. B. Tylor’s anthropologyMark Atherton | pp. 31–73
Ernest Renan (1823–1892): From Linguistics and Psychology to Racial Ideology (1840s to 1860s)Joan Leopold | pp. 75–104
Saussure’s Notes of 1881–1885 on Inner Speech, Linguistic Signs and Language ChangeJohn E. Joseph | pp. 105–132
Towards a History of Chinese LexicographyJohn Considine | pp. 133–143
Toward a History of Missionary Work by German-Speaking Jesuits in 17th and 18th Century Latin AmericaOtto Zwartjes | pp. 145–163
Two Notions of ‘Research Program’ and the Historiography of Generative LinguisticsAndrás Kertész | pp. 165–191
Casper de Jonge. 2008. Between Grammar and Rhetoric: Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics and LiteratureReviewed by Anneli Luhtala | pp. 193–199
Oliver Jungen & Horst Lohnstein. 2007. Geschichte der Grammatiktheorie: Von Dionysios Thrax bis Noam ChomskyReviewed by Andreas U. Schmidhauser | pp. 200–206
Solomon I. Sara & S. J. Edinburgh. 2007. Sībawayhi on ’imāla (Inclination): Text, translation, notes and analysisReviewed by Aryeh Levin | pp. 207–213
John Considine. 2008. Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the making of heritageReviewed by William Jervis Jones | pp. 214–220
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (Edited). 2008. Grammars, Grammarians and Grammar-Writing in Eighteenth-Century EnglandReviewed by Susan M. Fitzmaurice | pp. 221–225
Thomas R. Trautmann (Edited by). 2009. The Madras School of Orientalism: Producing knowledge in colonial South IndiaReviewed by R. E. Asher | pp. 226–229
Herausgegeben von Peter Schmitter (posthum herausgegeben, bearbeitet und mit einem Register versehen von Lefteris Roussos). 2007. Geschichte der Sprachtheorie: Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit III/2. Sprachbeschreibung und SprachunterrichtRezensiert von Friederike Spitzl-Dupic | pp. 230–237
Otto Zwartjes, Ramón Arzápalo Marín & Thomas C. Smith-Stark (Edited by). 2009. Missionary Linguistics / Lingüística misionera IV: Lexicography. Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán, 14–17 March 2007Reviewed by Marcus Tomalin | pp. 238–246
Frédérique Woerther (Ed.). 2009. Literary and Philosophical Rhetoric in the Greek, Roman, Syriac, and Arabic WorldsReviewed by Thomas M. Conley | pp. 247–250
Maria Grazia Bajoni. 2008. Les Grammariens Lascifs: La grammaire à la fin de l’Empire romainReviewed by Teresa Morgan | pp. 251–253
Hans Staden & Franz Obermeier. 2007. Warhaftige Historia: Zwei Reisen nach Brasilien [True Story: Two Journeys to Brazil] (1548–1555). História de duas viagens ao BrasilReviewed by Gerda Haßler | pp. 254–257
Sarma Kļaviņa. 2008. Latviešu Valodas Pētnieki: No Klaušu Laikiem līdz Savai Valstij. (Darbu Izlase.) [The Researchers of the Latvian Language: From the times of Corvée to the establishment of an independent state. (Collection of works)]Reviewed by Giedrius Subačius | pp. 258–262
Anita Auer. 2009. The Subjunctive in the Age of Prescriptivism: English and German developments during the eighteenth centuryReviewed by Simon Pickl | pp. 263–266
Tuska Benes. 2008. In Babel’s Shadow: Language, philology and the nation in 19th-century GermanyReviewed by Maike Oergel | pp. 267–269
Simeon Romportl & Bohumil Vykypěl (Edited by). 2008. On the Biological Nature of Natural Language and Other EssaysReviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 270–273
Peter C. Rollins. 2008. The Benjamin Lee Whorf Legacy: A research databaseReviewed by Penny Lee | pp. 274–277
Articles – Aufsätze
Review articles – Rapports critiques – Forschungsberichte
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen