10th Anniversary Celebration
Special issue of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 10:2 (2022)
[Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 10:2] 2022. vi, 269 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Editorialpp. 147–152
The monolingual bias: A critical analysisFred Genesee | pp. 153–181
CLIL in the 21st Century: Retrospective and prospective challenges and opportunitiesChristiane Dalton-Puffer, Julia Hüttner & Ana Llinares | pp. 182–206
A continuum of teacher collaboration to enhance the effectiveness of bilingual education programmesYuen Yi Lo, Scarlet Poon & Xiaochen Rui | pp. 207–229
Thematic patterns, Cognitive Discourse Functions, and genres: Towards an Integrative Model for CLILYanming (Amy) Wu & Angel M. Y. Lin | pp. 230–264
EMI as discursive positioning: Exploring the voices of content subject teachers in Hong KongJohn Trent | pp. 265–285
Integration in TWBE: Opportunities, challenges, and possibilitiesEster J. de Jong, Katherine Barko Alva & Tuba Yilmaz | pp. 286–301
Using cognitive discourse functions and comparative judgement to build teachers’ knowledge of content and language integration for assessment in a bilingual education programTom Morton | pp. 302–322
A language socialisation perspective on Swedish immersion in Finland: Students, teachers, and parents as key actorsSiv Björklund, Karita Mård-Miettinen & Sanna Pakarinen | pp. 323–342
Progress, challenges, and trajectories for indigenous language content-based instruction in the United States and CanadaWilliam H. Wilson, Ryan DeCaire, Brooke Niiyogaabawiikwe Gonzalez & Teresa L. McCarty | pp. 343–373
ITE provision in minority language contexts: The case of Wales and IrelandEnlli M. Thomas & Claire M. Dunne | pp. 374–399
Looking back and looking forward: An afterwordDiane J. Tedick | pp. 400–415
Main BIC Subject
CFDC: Language acquisition
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General