Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
Volume 3, Issue 2 (2017)
2017. iv, 147 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
The Journal of Second Language Pronunciation – Evaluation and directionsJohn M. Levis | pp. 157–164
Call for papers: 2018 Best paper award based on recent dissertation researchpp. 165–166
Processing time and comprehensibility judgments in non-native listeners’ perception of L2 speechAnja Ludwig & Joan C. Mora | pp. 167–198
Linguistic correlates of comprehensibility in second language Japanese speechKazuya Saito & Yuka Akiyama | pp. 199–217
Individual developmental trajectories in the L2 acquisition of Spanish spirantizationCharles L. Nagle | pp. 218–241
The acquisition of rhotics by child L2 and L3 learnersAlexandra Morales Reyes, Begoña Arechabaleta-Regulez & Silvina Montrul | pp. 242–266
Establishing an empirical basis for priorities in pronunciation teachingM. M. McAndrews & R. I. Thomson | pp. 267–287
Mary Grantham O’Brien & Sarah M. B. Fagan. 2016. German Phonetics and Phonology: Theory and PracticeReviewed by Shannon L. Barrios | pp. 288–292
Linda Grant & Eve Einselen Yu. 2016. Well Said Intro: Pronunciation for Clear Communication & Linda Grant. 2016 Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear CommunicationReviewed by Edna F. Lima | pp. 293–297
Holger Schmitt. 2016. Teaching English Pronunciation: A textbook for the German-speaking countriesReviewed by Mary Grantham O’Brien | pp. 298–302
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CFDC: Language acquisition
Main BISAC Subject