Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages
In recent years, the focus of linguistic research has shifted from sentence to larger units such as text and discourse and accordingly from syntax to semantics and pragmatics. This has led to the development and application of corresponding discourse semantic and pragmatic theories such as, for instance, (S)DRT, Centering Theory, Accessibility Theory, QUD, Generalized Conversational Implicatures, Super Monsters and Gesture Semantics and new empirical approaches in the framework of experimental semantics and pragmatics or corpus linguistic discourse analysis. The contributions to this collected volume build on these developments and investigate the linguistic foundations of narration from various perspectives. The contributions address topics such as speech and thought representation, free indirect speech, information structure, anaphora resolution, co-speech gestures, classifier constructions as well as role shift and constructed action. The volume provides new insights in the linguistic structures underlying narration in written, spoken, and sign languages from an experimental, developmental, historical, typological, and theoretical perspective. The contributions will appeal to theoretical linguists, sign language linguists, typologists, literary scholars, psycholinguists, and philosophers.
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 247] 2018. xii, 311 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 7 May 2018
Published online on 7 May 2018
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
List of contributors | pp. vii–x
List of abbreviations | pp. xi–xii
Approaching narration across modalities: Topics, methods, perspectivesAnnika Hübl and Markus Steinbach | pp. 1–14
A new technique for analyzing narrative prosodic effects in sign languages using motion capture technologyRonnie B. Wilbur and Evie Malaia | pp. 15–40
Language structure and principles of information organization: An analysis of retellings in Japanese, German, and L2 JapaneseNaoko Tomita | pp. 41–66
Texts as answers to questions: Information structure and its grammatical underpinnings in narratives and descriptions in German and English (topic and anaphoric linkage)Christiane von Stutterheim and Mary Carroll | pp. 67–92
Discourse prominence and the selection of anaphora – evidence from pronouns in historical GermanSvetlana Petrova | pp. 93–118
A centering theoretic account for the changing usage of anaphoric expressions in the history of GermanAugustin Speyer | pp. 119–142
On the processing of Free Indirect Discourse: First results and methodological challengesSusanna Salem, Thomas Weskott and Anke Holler | pp. 143–172
What is a Narration – and why does it matter?Sonja Zeman | pp. 173–206
Reporting vs. pretending. Degrees of identification in role play and reported speechFranziska Köder | pp. 207–222
Ways of expressing action in multimodal narrations – the semiotic complexity of character viewpoint depictionsJana Bressem, Silva H. Ladewig and Cornelia Müller | pp. 223–250
Nominal referential values of semantic classifiers and role shift in signed narrativesGemma Barberà and Josep Quer | pp. 251–274
Between narrator and protagonist in fables of German Sign LanguageAnnika Herrmann and Nina-Kristin Pendzich | pp. 275–308
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Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics