Structuring the Argument
Multidisciplinary research on verb argument structure
While the argument structure of verbs has long been a central issue in linguistic research of all varieties and continues to be a vexed area of research across a wide range of theoretical and empirical approaches, the inter-disciplinary perspective and dialogue remain largely under explored. This collection stems from an interest to find and explore practical, tangible points of intersection between theoretical linguists, psycholinguists and neurolinguists working on problems related to the representation and processing of verbs and their associated thematic structure. The book is organized around three core themes, (i) the basic building blocks of verbal representations and modes of construction of the verb-argument complex, (ii) non-canonical argument structure realization, with a particular focus on object-experiencer psych verbs, and (iii) the promises and challenges of neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic investigation into argument structure and the prospects for the future of interdisciplinary research on verb argument structure.
[Language Faculty and Beyond, 10] 2014. vii, 205 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 15 July 2014
Published online on 15 July 2014
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | pp. vii–7
Introduction: Argumenting the structureAsaf Bachrach, Isabelle Roy and Linnaea Stockall | pp. 1–19
Part I. The general issue: Verb argument structure
Can we dance without doing a dance? Two opposite views on the integration of roots in the syntactic structure of the VPVíctor Acedo-Matellán | pp. 23–43
Determining argument structure in sign languagesCarlo Geraci and Josep Quer | pp. 45–60
The mental representation and processing of light verbsEva Wittenberg, Ray Jackendoff, Gina Kuperberg, Martin Paczynski, Jesse Snedeker and Heike Wiese | pp. 61–80
Part II. Non-canonical argument structure realization
Luigi piace a Laura? Electrophysiological evidence for thematic reanalysis with Italian dative object experiencer verbsAlexander Dröge, Laura Maffongelli and Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky | pp. 83–118
Causative nominalizations: Implications for the structure of psych verbsArtemis Alexiadou and Gianina Iordachioaia | pp. 119–137
Part III. Neurobiological models
Neurocognitive mechanisms of verb argument structure processingCynthia Thompson and Aya Meltzer-Asscher | pp. 141–168
Argument structure: Between linguistics and neuroimagingEinat Shetreet | pp. 169–183
Argument structure: Creating a productive space for theory and experimentationGiillian Ramchand | pp. 185–200
Language index | p. 201
Subject index | pp. 203–205
“This book brings together under one roof theoretical linguistic results, psycholinguistic results (primarily from processing), and neurolinguistic results, all focusing on argument and event structure. Alongside specific case studies, it also provides a much needed overview on the way in which these distinct domains of inquiry can benefit from each other's methodology and conclusions. As such, it is an extremely welcome contribution which is sure to pave the way toward much needed increased interaction between these subdisciplines.”
Hagit Borer, Queen Mary University of London
“This impressive collection of papers on argument structure announces a new paradigm for Linguistics in the 21st century. Progress on outstanding issues in Linguistics will depend on real interaction among scholars both from differing theoretical orientations and from different empirical methodologies, including behavior and cognitive neuroscience experiments. The meeting of disparate minds represented in this important volume and exceptionally summarized in the introduction brings us closer both to answers about the representation and computation of verbal argument structure and to a new Linguistics.”
Alec Marantz, New York University
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Breeze, Ruth & Manuel Casado-Velarde
2019. Chapter 5. Expressing emotions without emotional lexis. In Emotion in Discourse [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 302], ► pp. 113 ff. 
Matsui, Chie & Yasutomo Arai
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 19 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General