Language Teacher Development in Digital Contexts
This volume demonstrates how various methodologies and tools have been used to analyze the multidimensional, dynamic, and complex nature of identities and professional development of language teachers in digital contexts that have not been adequately examined before. It therefore offers new understandings and conceptualizations of language teacher development and learning in varied digital environments. The collection of pieces illustrates a field that is recognizing that digital environments are the contexts of teacher learning, not simply the object of it, and that issues of identity and agency are central to that learning. As an excellent resource on digital technologies, CALL, gaming, or language teacher identity and agency, the book can be used as a textbook in various applied linguistics courses and graduate seminars.
[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 57] 2022. x, 196 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 January 2022
Published online on 3 January 2022
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Contributors | pp. vii–x
IntroductionHayriye Kayi-Aydar and Jonathon Reinhardt | pp. 1–8
Chapter 1. Negotiating equitable language teaching practices: Membership and epistemic stance in asynchronous online discussionsAmber Warren and Natalia Ward | pp. 9–28
Chapter 2. “Sitting in the back of the class”: Positional identities in an online MA TESOL programAngel N. Steadman | pp. 29–48
Chapter 3. Gameful teaching: Exploring language teacher identity and agency through video gamesGergana Vitanova, Emily Johnson, Sandra Sausa, Amy Giroux and Don Merritt | pp. 49–66
Chapter 4. ‘We will have to remember this as teachers’: A micro-analytical approach to student-teacher online interaction and teacher identityMelinda Dooly | pp. 67–90
Chapter 5. Discursive construction of collective identity in a global online community of practice of English language teachersDerya Kulavuz-Onal | pp. 91–114
Chapter 6. Sharing stories around the digital campfire: In-service teachers, cognition/emotion dissonance, and the asynchronous online classroomCurtis Green-Eneix and Peter De Costa | pp. 115–134
Chapter 7. Fostering (Critical) digital teaching competence through virtual exchangeAndreas Müller-Hartmann and Mirjam Hauck | pp. 135–156
Chapter 8. Customizing Web 2.0 tools to writing pedagogy: TPACK-based professional development of L2 writing teachersMohammad Nabi Karimi and Fatemeh Asadnia | pp. 157–178
Chapter 9. Developing online language teacher identities: Interdisciplinary insightsJonathon Reinhardt | pp. 179–192
Index | pp. 193–196
Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
Main BISAC Subject
LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching