Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics
Towards a consensus view
While cognitive linguists are essentially in agreement on both the conceptual nature and the fundamental importance of metonymy, there remain disagreements on a number of specific but, nevertheless, crucial issues. Research questions include: Is metonymy a relationship between “entities” or “domains”? Is it necessarily referential? What is meant by the claim that metonymy is a “stand-for” relationship? Can metonymy be considered a mapping? How can it be distinguished from “active zones” or “facets”? Is it a prototype category? The ten contributions of the present volume address such core issues on the basis of the latest research results. The volume is unique in being devoted exclusively to the delimitation of the notion of metonymy without ignoring points of divergence among the various contributors, thus paving the way towards a consensual conception of metonymy.
[Human Cognitive Processing, 28] 2011. viii, 284 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 16 June 2011
Published online on 16 June 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
List of contributors | pp. vii–viii
IntroductionAntonio Barcelona, Réka Benczes and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez | pp. 1–6
Reviewing the properties and prototype structure of metonymyAntonio Barcelona | pp. 7–58
Part I. Metonymy and related cognitive, semantic, and rhetorical phenomena
Metonymization: A key mechanism in semantic changeCarita Paradis | pp. 61–88
Zones, facets, and prototype-based metonymyDirk Geeraerts and Yves Peirsman | pp. 89–102
Metonymy and cognitive operationsFrancisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez | pp. 103–124
Metonymy, category broadening and narrowing, and vertical polysemyAnu Koskela | pp. 125–146
Metonymy at the crossroads: A case of euphemisms and dysphemismsTanja Gradečak-Erdeljić and Goran Milić | pp. 147–166
The role of metonymy in complex tropes: Cognitive operations and pragmatic implicationsJavier Herrero Ruiz | pp. 167–194
Part II. Metonymy and metonymic chains as mappings or processes within domain matrices/networks
Putting the notion of “domain” back into metonymy: Evidence from compoundsRéka Benczes | pp. 197–216
What do metonymic chains reveal about the nature of metonymy?Rita Brdar-Szabó and Mario Brdar | pp. 217–248
Metonymic matrix domains and multiple formations in indirect speech actsXianglan Chen | pp. 249–268
Authors’ biodata | pp. 269–274
Metaphor and metonymy index | pp. 275–276
Name index | pp. 277–279
Subject index | pp. 281–284
“All in all, it cannot be denied that Benzces et al.’s ambitious work is certainly valuable for its wise and insightful discussion of the nature of metonymy and its related semantic phenomena.”
Olga Isabel Díez Velasco, University of La Rioja, in Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10:1 (2012)
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2020. La red polisémica denegro. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 33:2 ► pp. 562 ff. 
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Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General