Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 10, Issue 1/2 (1983)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 July 2012
Published online on 17 July 2012
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Adam Smith and the beginnings of language typologyEugenio Coseriu | pp. 1–12
Contributors to the beginnings of language typologyElisabeth Haggblade | pp. 13–24
The first Italian grammars of the English languageThomas Frank | pp. 25–61
Alfred Tonnellé Als Übersetzer und Interpret Wilhelm Von Humboldts: Ein Beitrag Zur Erforschung Der Frühen Humboldt-Rezeption in FrankreichBarbara Kaltz | pp. 63–76
Carlo Denina linguiste : Aux Sources Du ComparatismeClaudio Marazzini | pp. 77–96
T(amara) A(leksandrovna) Amirova, B(oris) A(ndreevič) Ol’xovikov & Ju(rij) V(ladimirovič) Roz-destvenskij. 1980. Abriß der Geschichte der LinguistikReviewed by Pierre Swiggers | pp. 97–103
Muhammad Hasan Bakalla. 1982 (1402 A.H.). Ibn Jinni, an Early Arab Muslim Phonetician: An Interpretative Study of his Life and Contribution to LinguisticsReviewed by Michael G. Carter | pp. 103–111
Johann Biedermann. 1981. Grammatiktheorie und grammatische Deskription in Russland in der 2. Hälfte des 18. und zu Anfang des 19. JahrhundertsReviewed by Tom M. S. Priestly | pp. 111–119
Michael George Carter (Edited by). 1981. Arab Linguistics: An Introductory Classical Text with Translation and NotesReviewed by William Cowan | pp. 120–124
Dorothy Harley Eber. 1982. Genius at Work: Images of Alexander Graham BellReviewed by M. K. C. MacMahon | pp. 124–125
Mary Ritchie Key. 1980. Catherine the Great’s Linguistic ContributionReviewed by Victor E. Hanzeli | pp. 126–129
Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg (Edited by). 1982. The Cambridge History of Later Medieval PhilosophyReviewed by Michael A. Covington | pp. 130–132
Gabriel Nuchelmans. 1980. Late Scholastic and Humanist Theories of the PropositionReviewed by Charlene McDermott | pp. 132–135
Helen Swick Perry. 1982. Psychiatrist of America: The Life of Harry Stack SullivanReviewed by Stanley S. Newman | pp. 135–138
Roger Shattuck. 1981. The Forbidden Experiment: The story of the wild boy of AveyronReviewed by Rüdiger Schreyer | pp. 138–142
A few remarks on the origin of the phrase “Où Tout Se Tient”Bela Brogyanyi | pp. 143–147
Bicentenary celebrations of the Asiatic Society in 1984Garland Cannon | p. 148
Einige Kritische Notizen Zur Neuesten Bühler-ForschungAchim Eschbach | pp. 149–158
Un coup d’oeil sur l’histoire de la linguistique: Jozef Vercoullie (1922)Pierre Swiggers | pp. 159–163
First international conference on French place names in North America in 1984p. 164
Publications received /Eingegangene Schriften/ Ouvrages recusKonrad Koerner | pp. 165–194
Articles – Aufsätze
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen
Publications received – Ouvrages reçus – Eingegangene Schriften