Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1992)
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
La Particule Làkinna vue par un Grammairien Arabe du XIIIe Siècle : Ou Comment une Description de Détail S’inscrit Dans une ‘Théorie Pragmatique’Pierre Larcher | pp. 1–24
Thomas Harriot (1560–1621) and the English origins of Algonkian linguisticsVivian Salmon | pp. 25–56
A 16th-century case of acquired DysgraphiaDavid Cram & Ruth Campbell | pp. 57–64
Zur Diskussion Über den Begriff ‘Tochtersprache’ im 19. JahrhundertGeorgia Veldre | pp. 65–96
The biological side of Otto Jespersen’s linguistic thoughtJames D. McCawley | pp. 97–110
Paul Hanly Furfey and the origins of American sociolinguisticsJohn E. Joseph | pp. 111–143
Petra Braselmann. 1991. Humanistische Grammatik und Volkssprache: Zur ‘Gramática de la lengua castellana’ von Antonio de NebrijaReviewed by Francis P. Dinneen | pp. 145–152
Els Elffers-Van Ketel. 1991. The Historiography of Grammatical Concepts: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Changes in the Subject-Predicate Conception and the Problem of Their Historical ReconstructionReviewed by Nigel Love | pp. 152–157
Werner Hüllen. 1989. Their manner of discourse. Nachdenken über Sprache im Umkreis der Royal SocietyReviewed by Fredric Dolezal | pp. 158–161
Douglas A. Kibbee. 1991. For to Speke Frenche Trewely. The French Language in England, 1000–1600: its status, description and instructionReviewed by Michel H. W. Liddle | pp. 162–168
Bertil Malmberg. 1991. Histoire de la linguistique de Sumer à SaussureReviewed by George Wolf | pp. 169–176
Marie-José Reichler-Béguelin (Édité par). 1989. Perspectives méthodologiques et épistémologiques dans les sciences du langage: Actes du Colloque de Fribourg (Suisse), 11–12 mars 1988Reviewed by John E. Joseph | pp. 177–184
Henry Lee Smith, Jr. (1913–1972): A Nachruf Twenty Years AfterCharlotte A. Farley-Winer | pp. 187–198
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene schriftenKonrad Koerner & Kofi K. Saah | pp. 199–226
Articles – Aufsätze
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen
Publications received – Ouvrages reçus – Eingegangene Schriften