The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel
This volume gathers chapters related to the condition of women in the ancient novel. To broaden the perspective, it integrates not only papers dealing with the Greek and Roman novel as a literary genre in its own right, but also as a historical document involving aspects as diverse as history, archaeology, sociology and the history of law. The twenty-six contributions in this volume have been divided into thematic blocks, based on the different approaches that the authors have adopted to tackle the subject. The first block is about realia – the reality in which the fiction has been conceived. The second block focuses on the legal problems that can be deduced from the plots of the novels. The third block encompasses deals with the Greek and Roman novel from the point of view of classical philology, literary criticism and literary theory, with chapters dedicated to the tradition of the ancient novel, both in our most immediate cultural area (Middle Ages, Spanish Golden Age) and in other contexts, whether Indo-European (India, Persia) or of a different origin.
[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 40] 2023. xviii, 448 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. ix–xviii
Chapter 1. Frauen in Wirtschaft und Politik der griechisch-römischen AntikeChristoph Schäfer | pp. 1–15
Chapter 2. Lo status giuridico della donna nel diritto romano della tarda Repubblica e del Principato (II secolo a.C. – inizi del III secolo d.C.)Aldo Petrucci | pp. 16–41
Chapter 3. Curare le donne nell’Egitto greco-romano: Alcune testimonianze dai papiriNicola Reggiani | pp. 42–53
Chapter 4. Realidad de la institución matrimonial en la ficción de las novelas grecolatinasF. Javier Casinos Mora | pp. 54–83
Chapter 5. La expositio en Dafnis y Cloe: Una visión jurídicaAna Zaera García | pp. 84–98
Chapter 6. Consent in Greek and Roman marriage: A comparative note on the Achilles Tatius’ novel Leucippe and Clitophon (8.18.3–4)Mª Aránzazu Calzada González | pp. 99–106
Chapter 7. Legal reality or storytelling? ᾿Εγγύησις in Heliodorus’ AethiopicaCarlos Mª Sánchez-Moreno Ellart | pp. 107–126
Chapter 8. Warrior women: Between reality and fiction in the papyri of Greek novelsMaría Paz López Martínez and Consuelo Ruiz-Montero | pp. 127–148
Chapter 9. Egyptian feminine anthroponyms in ancient Greek novels? What onomastics may tell us about realityAna Isabel Blasco Torres | pp. 149–158
Chapter 10. Narrative aspects of Callirhoe’s tomb: With an appendix on Seneca’s Troades, Act 3, and Jesus’ empty tombMichael Paschalis | pp. 159–172
Chapter 11. The home life of a heroine: The winter of Chloe’s discontent in LongusNiall W. Slater | pp. 173–180
Chapter 12. Chloe as learning subject in Longus’ Daphnis and ChloeJanet Downie | pp. 181–196
Chapter 13. Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe as a puella doctaNikoletta Kanavou | pp. 197–205
Chapter 14. Le collane di Charicleia: Gioielli e identità nel romanzo greco-romanoRia Berg | pp. 206–229
Chapter 15. The reality of women in ancient popular literature: The case of Alexander-RomanceGrammatiki Karla | pp. 230–243
Chapter 16. Kidnapping in the ancient novelsSophia Papaioannou | pp. 244–259
Chapter 17. Tarsia nel lupanare: Ruoli femminili, generi letterari e tecniche narrativeLuca Graverini | pp. 260–276
Chapter 18. Plotting Plotina? The reception of an empress in Roman provincial prose (fiction)Yvona Trnka-Amrhein | pp. 277–296
Chapter 19. Algunos aspectos de la mujer en la hagiografía bizantinaPablo Cavallero | pp. 297–328
Chapter 20. De opere illicito: Motivos novelescos en un milagro de San Andrés (LA, II §§ 58–75)Carmen Puche López | pp. 329–342
Chapter 21. Notes on women and the law in the novel Los amores de Clareo y Florisea by Alonso Núñez de ReinosoRegina Polo Martín | pp. 343–358
Chapter 22. La ordalía en el judaísmo y Derecho rabínicoCayetana H. Johnson | pp. 359–373
Chapter 23. Semejanzas y diferencias entre las heroínas de la novela griega antigua y en la tradición sánscrita del RamayanaBlanca Ballesteros Castañeda | pp. 374–381
Chapter 24. Queens, heroines and slaves: Women in two Persian Alexander romances (12th century)Haila Manteghi | pp. 382–395
Chapter 25. “Parthian” women in Vīs and RāmīnLeonardo Gregoratti | pp. 396–406
Chapter 26. Configuración neurocognitiva del ideal amoroso y castidad en las protagonistas de la novela griega: Una mirada comparatistaBenito García-Valero | pp. 407–415
Index locorum | pp. 416–446
Abbreviations | p. 447
Contributors | p. 448
Literature & Literary Studies
Main BIC Subject
DSBB: Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
Main BISAC Subject
LIT004190: LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical