A Dynamic Approach to Second Language Development
Methods and techniques
Dynamic systems theory, a general theory of change and development, offers a new way to study first and second language development and requires a new set of tools for analysis of empirical data. After a brief introduction to the theory, this book, co-authored by several leading scholars in the field, concentrates on tools and techniques recently developed to analyze language data from a dynamic perspective. The chapters deal with the general thoughts and reasoning behind coding data, analyzing variability, discovering interacting variables and modeling. The accompanying How to sections give step-by-step instructions to using macros to speed up the coding, creating a dedicated lexical profile, making min-max graphs, testing for significance in single case studies by running simulations, and modeling. Example files and data sets are available on the accompanying website (http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/lllt.29.website). Although the focus is on second language development, the tools are applicable to a wide range of phenomena in applied linguistics.
[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 29] 2011. ix, 211 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 11 February 2011
Published online on 11 February 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
List of How to sections | pp. vii–viii
Acknowledgements | pp. ix–x
IntroductionKees de Bot, Wander Lowie and Marjolijn H. Verspoor | pp. 1–4
Researching Second Language Development from a Dynamic Systems Theory perspectiveKees de Bot and Diane Larsen-Freeman | pp. 5–24
Dynamic Systems Theory and a usage-based approach to Second Language DevelopmentMarjolijn H. Verspoor and Heike Behrens | pp. 25–38
Coding and extracting dataMonika S. Schmid, Marjolijn H. Verspoor and Brian MacWhinney | pp. 39–54
Variability and DSTMarijn van Dijk, Marjolijn H. Verspoor and Wander Lowie | pp. 55–84
Visualizing interactions between variablesMarjolijn H. Verspoor and Marijn van Dijk | pp. 85–98
Modeling development and changeWander Lowie, Tal Caspi, Paul van Geert and Henderien Steenbeek | pp. 99–122
EpilogueKees de Bot | pp. 123–128
How to sectionsMarjolijn H. Verspoor, Wander Lowie, Paul van Geert, Marijn van Dijk and Monika S. Schmid | pp. 129–200
Index | pp. 209–212
“One of the greatest strengths of this book is that it will be relevant to both novice and experienced researchers. The novice will find advice, examples, and encouragement. More experienced researchers will find a convenient reference to much of the field-breaking work being done within the DST perspective as well as tips for extending their methodology. Another strength is that the book's ability to reduce extremely challenging and technical methodology to manageable bits will inspire readers to engage in such methodology themselves. The main genius of this book is its ability to translate very complex ideas and methodology into layman's terms. Those who dislike mathematical processing will be enabled to integrate these new methodologies into their work.”
Julie Bruch, University of Kansas, on Linguist List 22.4013, 2011
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Main BIC Subject
CFDM: Bilingualism & multilingualism
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General