Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 12
Selected papers from the 45th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Campinas, Brazil
The current volume contains a selection from papers presented at the 45th meeting of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 45), which took place from May 6 to 9, 2015 at the University of Campinas, Brazil. A volume of selected papers, such as this one, will ultimately be successful contingent upon the success of the event itself, which proved a strong commitment to theoretical and empirical rigor to the studies in Romance linguistics. All the chapters in this volume are high-quality papers on the state-of-the-art in linguistic research into Romance languages. The studies offer a variety of topics on the syntax, phonology, semantics-pragmatics, L2 acquisition and contact situations of Romance languages (Peninsular and American Spanish; European, Brazilian and African Portuguese; French; Italian), Romance dialects (Borgomanerese) and Romance-based creoles (Palenquero).
[Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 12] 2017. xi, 277 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 October 2017
Published online on 3 October 2017
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Modality, presupposition and discourse: The meaning of European Portuguese afinal and Italian alla finePatrícia Amaral and Fabio Del Prete | pp. 1–14
Chapter 2. Exempt anaphors and logophoricity in FrenchIsabelle Charnavel | pp. 15–28
Chapter 3. What’s up with dative experiencers?Antonio Fábregas, Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández and Mercedes Tubino | pp. 29–48
Chapter 4. Aktionsart and event modification in Spanish adjectival passivesAlfredo García-Pardo | pp. 49–62
Chapter 5. Revising the canon: Social and stylistic variation of coda (-ɾ) in Buenos Aires SpanishMadeline B. Gilbert and Marcos Rohena-Madrazo | pp. 63–78
Chapter 6. Hiatus resolution in L1 and L2 Spanish: An optimality accountCarolina González and Christine Weissglass | pp. 79–96
Chapter 7. Recursion in Brazilian Portuguese complex compoundsNatália Brambatti Guzzo | pp. 97–110
Chapter 8. Locality constraints on θ-theory: Evidence from Spanish ditransitivesSonia Kaminszczik and Andrés Saab | pp. 111–126
Chapter 9. Does gender agreement carry a production cost? Spanish gender vs. PalenqueroJohn M. Lipski | pp. 127–140
Chapter 10. TP ellipsis with polarity particlesGabriela Matos | pp. 141–158
Chapter 11. Circumventing ɸ-minimality: On some unorthodox cases of A-movement in Brazilian PortugueseJairo Nunes | pp. 159–184
Chapter 12. Epistemic uses of the verb decir in La Paz Spanish: Digamos and diceGeraldine Quartararo | pp. 185–198
Chapter 13. Oral Portuguese in Maputo from a diachronic perspective: Diffusion of linguistic innovations in a language shift scenarioTorun Reite and Anna Jon-And | pp. 199–212
Chapter 14. Structural approaches to code-switching: Research then and nowAlmeida Jacqueline Toribio | pp. 213–234
Chapter 15. When a piece of phonology becomes a piece of syntax: The case of subject cliticsChristina Tortora | pp. 235–258
Chapter 16. Presence of the voiced labiodental fricative segment [v] in Texas SpanishAdriano Trovato | pp. 259–274
Index | pp. 275–277
Cited by (8)
Cited by eight other publications
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Suárez-Palma, Imanol
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Treffers-Daller, Jeanine
2020. Turkish-German code-switching patterns revisited. In Advances in Contact Linguistics [Contact Language Library, 57], ► pp. 238 ff. 
Mohamed, Sherez, Carolina González & Antje Muntendam
Valdés Kroff, Jorge R., Frederieke Rooijakkers & M. Carmen Parafita Couto
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 26 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF/2AD: Linguistics/Romance, Italic & Rhaeto-Romanic languages
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General