Chapters of Dependency Grammar

A historical survey from Antiquity to Tesnière

 |  Eötvös Loránd University
 |  University of Liège
ISBN 9789027204769 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027261700 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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Was Tesnière the founding father of dependency grammar or merely a culmination point in its long history? Leaving no doubt that the latter position is correct, Chapters of Dependency Grammar tells the story of how dependency-oriented grammatical description developed from Antiquity up to the early 20th century. From Priscian’s Rome to Dmitrievsky’s Russia, from the French Encyclopaedia to Stephen W. Clark’s school grammars in 19th century America, it is shown how the concept of dependencies (asymmetric word-to-word relations) surfaced again and again, assuming a central place in syntax. A particularly intriguing aspect of the storyline is that even without any direct contact or influence, authors were making key breakthroughs in similar directions. In the works of Sámuel Brassai, a Transylvanian polymath, and Franz Kern, a German grammarian, the first dependency trees appear in 1873 and 1883, respectively, predating Tesnière’s stemmas by several decades.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 212] 2020.  v, 281 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 January 2020
Table of Contents
Chapters of Dependency Grammar is a valuable contribution to the history of linguistic ideas in the field of syntax. It is particularly recommended for the methodological precision and erudition of the introduction and the various chapters. The book provides an opportunity to deepen our knowledge of authors who have long remained in the shadows, and it allows us to redefine the exact place that should be given to Tesnière’s work in the history of Dependency Grammar.”
Cited by (3)

Cited by three other publications

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2025. The Metaphorical Bases of Constituency and Dependency. In Word Grammar, Cognition and Dependency,  pp. 126 ff. DOI logo
Mazziotta, Nicolas
2023. Syntaxe en n dimensions : choisir et représenter les espaces d’analyse. Travaux de linguistique n° 84-85:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Atalay, A. Selin, Siham El Kihal & Florian Ellsäßer
2019. A Natural Language Processing Approach to Predicting the Persuasiveness of Marketing Communications. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CFK: Grammar, syntax

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009060: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2019044647 | Marc record