Approaches to Learning, Testing and Researching L2 Vocabulary
This volume brings together a collection of chapters focused on the learning, testing, and researching of L2 vocabulary by leading international researchers including Paul Nation, Batia Laufer, Frank Boers, Elke Peters, Ana Pellicer-Sánchez, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, and Stuart Webb. Questions that are examined include: Is it useful to read a book to learn vocabulary? Which types of input encountered outside of the classroom contribute most to vocabulary knowledge? What are the most useful words to learn to understand the academic spoken language in mathematics, biology, and engineering lectures? Does writing words contribute to vocabulary learning? What should a test measuring the skill of guessing from context consist of? Should loan words be included in vocabulary tests? How should we evaluate vocabulary learning that occurs through watching captioned video? How has eye-tracking been used in vocabulary research? Together, the chapters in this volume highlight innovation in vocabulary studies and many directions for researching, testing, and learning words. Originally published as special issue of ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics 169:1 (2018)
[Benjamins Current Topics, 109] 2020. v, 234 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 July 2020
Published online on 21 July 2020
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Guest editorialStuart Webb | pp. 1–4
Eye movements in vocabulary researchAna Pellicer-Sánchez and Anna Siyanova-Chanturia | pp. 5–29
Reading a whole book to learn vocabularyPaul Nation | pp. 31–44
A Hard Science Spoken Word ListThi Ngoc Yen Dang | pp. 45–72
Re-examining the effects of word writing on vocabulary learningStuart Webb and Anna Piasecki | pp. 73–94
Loanword proportion in vocabulary size tests: Does it make a difference?Batia Laufer and Tami Levitzky-Aviad | pp. 95–115
The guessing from context testYosuke Sasao and Stuart Webb | pp. 117–142
The effect of out-of-class exposure to English language media on learners’ vocabulary knowledgeElke Peters | pp. 143–167
Examining incidental vocabulary acquisition from captioned video: Does test modality matter?Nurul Aini Mohd Jelani and Frank Boers | pp. 169–191
The images in television programs and the potential for learning unknown words: The relationship between on-screen imagery and vocabularyMichael P. H. Rodgers | pp. 191–211
Vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension at an intermediate level in English and French as foreign languages: An approximate replication study of Stæhr (2009)Ann-Sophie Noreillie, Britta Kestemont, Kris Heylen, Piet Desmet and Elke Peters | pp. 213–232
Index | pp. 233–234
Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
Main BISAC Subject