Beyond Theory

Changing organizations through participation

| University of Southern California
| National Institute for Working Life, Stockholm
ISBN 9789027217721 (Eur) | EUR 68.00
ISBN 9781556198267 (USA) | USD 102.00
ISBN 9789027276162 | EUR 68.00 | USD 102.00
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Action Research is one of the most practical and down-to-earth ways of doing research into working life. Beyond Theory draws on examples and actual cases to discuss action research within the framework of the modern, and postmodern, theory of science debate. While action research has been much criticized by the traditionalists, the book reflects a convergence between action research and positions emerging out of the critique of scientific traditionalism. Discussions between these two fields of knowledge, originally so very different, can enrich both. The book will be useful not only to researchers and academics but to anyone who is interested in the role and use of knowledge in social and organizational development.
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 2] 1996.  viii, 233 pp.
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Table of Contents
“[...], this book is making an important contribution in arguing strongly that the core of action research is the development of democratic dialogue.”
Cited by (75)

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KJM: Management & management techniques

Main BISAC Subject

BUS085000: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  96013109 | Marc record