Ideology, Politics and Language Policies

Focus on English

| University of Texas, San Antonio
ISBN 9789027218360 (Eur) | EUR 105.00
ISBN 9781556196690 (USA) | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027218377 (Eur) | EUR 35.00
ISBN 9781556196706 (USA) | USD 53.00
ISBN 9789027299314 | EUR 105.00/35.00*
| USD 158.00/53.00*
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Netlibrary e-BookNot for resale
ISBN 9780585461779
This volume critically examines the effects of the spread of English from colonialism to the ‘New World Order’. The research explores the complex and often contradictory roles English has played in national development. Historical analyses and case studies by leading researchers in language policy studies reveal that deterministic relationships between imperial languages, such as English, and societal hierarchies are untenable, and that support of vernacular languages in education and public life can serve diverse ideologies and political agendas. Areas and countries investigated include Europe, North America, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, and Sri Lanka. The role of theory in language policy scholarship and practice is critically evaluated. A variety of research methodologies is used, ranging from macro-sociopolitical and structural analyses to postmodern approaches. The work collectively represents a new direction in language policy studies.
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Table of Contents
“Ricento's book is a valuable contribution to the field and appropriate not only for courses on language planning and global English, but also for a language policy angle of Australian studies that deals with societal aspects of language.”
“This is an impressive collection of historical-structural and postmodern analyses of the role of English internationally. It includes representative work of some of the best known scholars in applied language studies.”
Cited by (85)

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