Journal of English-Medium Instruction

Main information
ORCID logoDiane Pecorari | University of Leeds | d.pecorari at
ORCID logoHans Malmström | Chalmers University of Technology | mahans at
Book Review Editor
ORCID logoAmy Wanyu Ou | Chalmers University of Technology

Around the globe, varied instructional settings use English for teaching and learning purposes, despite the fact that it is not the first language of some or all participants. The Journal of English-Medium Instruction provides a home for research on this important and rapidly growing phenomenon. The journal adopts a broad understanding of what constitutes English-medium instruction (EMI), while differentiating it from other multilingual pedagogies. EMI is an inherently interdisciplinary field, spanning multiple branches of applied linguistics and (higher) education pedagogy and didactics. A key objective of JEMI is to unite these strands of EMI research and enable scholarly work in one corner of this interdisciplinary area to reach both researchers and practitioners in others. JEMI welcomes contributions on a range of topics of relevance to EMI, e.g., forms of instruction, translanguaging, language policy, assessment, support for instructors, the transition from content and language integrated learning to EMI, and the development of academic as well as disciplinary literacy.

JEMI publishes its articles Online First.

ISSN: 2666-8882 | E-ISSN: 2666-8890
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Latest articles

6 June 2024

  • EMI book alerts
    JEMI 3:2 (2024) p. 260
  • 17 May 2024

  • Capturing the situated, dynamic nature of EMI-lecture listening comprehension in real time
    Nathan Ducker | JEMI 3:2 (2024) pp. 185–212
  • English for specific purposes in surging English-medium instruction contexts
    Nicola Galloway , Kari Sahan Jim McKinley | JEMI 3:2 (2024) pp. 236–259
  • 3 May 2024

  • University students’ use of language learning strategies in English-medium instruction classes : A systematized review
    Joe Garner | JEMI 3:2 (2024) pp. 213–235
  • 19 March 2024

  • A framework for language specialist and content teacher collaboration in Turkish EMI university settings : The collaborative planning tool
    Mustafa Akıncıoğlu | JEMI 3:2 (2024) pp. 141–163
  • 26 February 2024

  • EMI book alerts
    JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 139–140
  • 19 December 2023

  • A longitudinal study on content learning of EMI students in Vietnam from Bourdieusian perspectives
    An Nguyen | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 115–138
  • Instructor positioning as participants in a transnational EMI program : A US and Vietnamese case study
    Kate Shea , Truong Vu Geoff Sokol | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 30–47
  • Linguistic domination or discrimination? Local and international academic staff contest the (in)justice of English as the language of international academic mobility
    Josep Soler Kerttu Rozenvalde | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 11–29
  • The tension between English-medium instruction and Vietnamese-medium instruction in higher education : A graduate retrospect
    Hoa K. Tang , Khanh H. Nguyen Nguyen H. N. Luong | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 68–90
  • 18 December 2023

  • EMI, power and expressivism : Different stakeholders and conflicting interests
    René Gabriëls Robert Wilkinson | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 1–10
  • 14 December 2023

  • English-medium instruction in multilingual university settings : Stakeholders’ conflicting interests in a Chinese and a Dutch context
    Lijie Shao Robert Wilkinson | JEMI 3:1 (2024) p. 91
  • Perspectives of business stakeholders about EMI in Turkiye
    Dogan Yuksel Mehmet Altay | JEMI 3:1 (2024) pp. 48–67
  • 1 November 2023

  • Lebanese EMI instructors’ role identity and teaching practices
    Reema Abouzeid , Cassi Liardét Victor Khachan | JEMI 3:2 (2024) pp. 164–184
  • 23 June 2023

  • EMI book alerts
    JEMI 2:2 (2023) pp. 183–184
  • 12 June 2023

  • EMI and its sociolinguistic entanglement with local languages : Disciplinary differences in two engineering programs in Flemish higher education
    Alexander De Soete | JEMI 2:2 (2023) pp. 134–158
  • 16 May 2023

  • “I don’t care about the physical appearance in a job” : A multimodal analysis of a challenging episode in the EMI classroom
    Xavier Martin-Rubió Irati Diert-Boté | JEMI 2:2 (2023) pp. 159–182
  • 4 May 2023

  • Positional identities negotiated within a collective identity : Japanese college students’ ambivalence in an EMI classroom
    Miki Shibata | JEMI 2:2 (2023) pp. 109–133
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 3 (2024)

    Volume 2 (2023)

    Volume 1 (2022)

    Editorial Board
    Helen Basturkmen | Auckland University
    Alissa Blair | University of Arkansas
    Howard Brown | University of Niigata Prefecture
    Francesca Costa | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
    Emma Dafouz | Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    ORCID logoSlobodanka Dimova | University of Copenhagen
    Anna Kristina Hultgren | Open University, UK
    ORCID logo Li Wei | University College London
    Angel M.Y. Lin | Simon Fraser University
    Ron Martinez | Federal University of Paraná
    ORCID logoJim McKinley | University College London
    Špela Mežek | Stockholm University
    Jack Pun | City University of Hong Kong
    Ute Smit | University of Vienna
    ORCID logoShaila Sultana | University of Dhaka
    Wenli Tsou | National Cheng Kung University
    ORCID logoIan Walkinshaw | Griffith University
    Christa van der Walt | Stellenbosch University
    Joost van de Weijer | Lund University
    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 3:2, available as of June 2024

    General information about our electronic journals.

    Subscription rates

    All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 4 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 250 pp. EUR 188.00 EUR 241.00
    Volume 3 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 250 pp. EUR 183.00 EUR 219.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 65.00 per volume.
    Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

    Available back-volumes

    Online-only Print + online
    Complete backset
    (Vols. 1‒2; 2022‒2023)
    4 issues;
    500 pp.
    EUR 356.00 EUR 394.00
    Volume 2 (2023) 2 issues; 250 pp. EUR 178.00 EUR 199.00
    Volume 1 (2022) 2 issues; 250 pp. EUR 178.00 EUR 195.00

    Instructions for authors

    The Journal of English-Medium Instruction publishes original research articles on topics related to EMI. Review the journal’s full scope statement here.

    Authors wishing to submit articles are requested to do so through the journal’s online submission and manuscript tracking site. All other enquiries should be directed towards the editors by e-mailing the editors at d.pecorari at and mahans at

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    Articles should include an abstract of 150-200 words.


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    (1) Specifically, we were interested in investigating the quantitative difference in the use of grammatical structures associated with registers over time.

    (2) This may be explained by the presence of high fluctuations in the 1 min. data.


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    Journal of English-Medium Instruction offers online submission .

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    EMI Books list

    This list presents a chronological catalogue of EMI books published to date, as well as upcoming books the publication of which has been announced. If you spot an omission, please contact JEMI’s Book Review Editor so that the list can be amended: amywa at

    We welcome book recommendations (including your own book publications). Books for inclusion in the list will be directly relevant to EMI stakeholders. Examples are books that explore theoretical, methodological and empirical issues related to EMI and multilingual pedagogies in educational contexts in which the formal instructional language is English.


    Chun, S., & Pun, J.
    (Eds.) forthcoming Researching English medium instruction: Quantitative methods for students and researchers. Cambridge University Press.Google Scholar
    Hong, J., & Basturkmen, H.
    forthcoming English medium instruction in South Korea: Focusing on language in school and university classrooms. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Papaja, K. L.
    forthcoming A reflective CLIL teacher: A way to enrich the CLIL teaching professional practice in the Polish context. BRILL.Google Scholar


    Alexiou, T. & Karasimos, A.
    (Eds.) 2024 Board games in the CLIL classroom: New trends in content and language integrated learning. De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Bolton, K., Botha, W. & Lin, B.
    (Eds.) 2024 The Routledge handbook of English-medium instruction in higher education. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    de Zarobe, Y. R. & Banegas, D. L.
    (Eds.) 2024 Content and language integrated learning in South America. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Guimarães, F.
    2024 Language policies in higher education: Promoting multilingualism to support internationalization. De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Pun, J.
    2024 English-medium instruction in secondary education: Policy, challenges and practices in science classrooms. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Sahan, K.
    2024 English-medium instruction in Turkish universities: Policies, practices and perceptions. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Yuksel, D., Altay, M., & Curle, S.
    (Eds.) 2024 Multilingual and translingual practices in English-medium instruction: Perspectives from global higher education contexts. Bloomsbury.Google Scholar


    Alejo-González, R.
    2023 Metaphor and corpus linguistics: Building and investigating an English as a medium of instruction corpus. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Banegas, D. L., & Zappa-Hollman, S.
    (Eds.) 2023 The Routledge handbook of content and language integrated learning. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Bojsen, H., Daryai-Hansen, P., & Holmen, A.
    2023 Translanguaging and epistemological decentring in higher education and research. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Corbett, J., Yan, E. M. Y., Yeoh, J., & Lee, J.
    2023 Multilingual education yearbook 2023: Teaching with technology in English-medium instruction universities in multilingual China. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Costa, F., & Mariotti, C.
    (Eds.) 2023 Input in English-medium instruction. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Coyle, D., Meyer, O., & Staschen-Dielmann, S.
    (Eds.) 2023 A deeper learning companion for CLIL: Putting pluriliteracies into practice. Cambridge University Press. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Curle, S., & Pun, J.
    (Eds.) 2023 Qualitative research methods in English medium instruction for emerging researchers: Theory and case studies of contemporary research. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Dafouz, E., & Smit, U.
    (Eds.) 2023 Researching English-medium higher education: Diverse applications and critical evaluations of the ROAD-MAPPING framework. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    de Oliveira, L. C.
    2023 Supporting multilingual learners’ academic language development: A language-based approach to content instruction. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Dimova, S., Kling, J., & Margić, B. D.
    (Eds.) 2023 EMI classroom communication: A corpus-based approach. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Fang, F., & Sah, P.
    (Eds.) 2023 English-medium instruction pedagogies in multilingual universities in Asia. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Giri, R. A., Padwad, A., & Kabir, M. M. N.
    (Eds.) 2023 English as a medium of instruction in South Asia: Issues in equity and social justice. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Griffiths, C.
    (Ed.) 2023 The practice of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) around the world. Springer. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Han, J.
    2023 English medium instruction as a local practice. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Hill, C., Lin, C., & Lai, H. Y.
    2023 Supporting and learning from academics: EMI toolkit. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Kuteeva, M.
    2023 Tension-filled English at the multilingual university: A Bakhtinian perspective. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Luu, T. Q. H., Sit, H. H. W., & Chen, S.
    2023 Cultural interactions of English-medium instruction at Vietnamese universities: The Western proposition by the Eastern implementation. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Otto, A., & Cortina-Pérez, B.
    (Eds.) 2023 Handbook of CLIL in pre-primary education. Springer Nature. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Piquer-Píriz, A. M.
    2023 E-learning in English medium instruction (EMI): Academic language for university students. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Sah, P., & Fang, F.
    (Eds.) 2023 Policies, politics, and ideologies of English-medium instruction in Asian universities: Unsettling critical edges. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Tannenbaum, M., & Shohamy, E.
    2023 Developing multilingual education policies: Theory, research, practice. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Wyatt, M., & El Gamal, G.
    (Eds.) 2023 English as a medium of instruction on the Arabian peninsula. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Christison, M., Crandall, J., & Christian, D.
    (Eds.)2022 Research on integrating language and content in diverse contexts. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Curle, S., Ali, H. I. H., Alhassan, A., & Scatolini, S. S.
    (Eds.)2022 English-medium instruction in higher education in the Middle East and North Africa: Policy, research and pedagogy. Bloomsbury. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Daghigh, A. J., Jan, J. M., & Kaur, S.
    (Eds.)2022 Neoliberalization of English language policy in the Global South. Springer. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Kirkgöz, Y., & Karakaş, A.
    (Eds.)2022 English as the medium of instruction in Turkish higher education: Policy, practice and progress. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Lasagabaster, D.
    2022 English-medium instruction in higher education. Cambridge University Press. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    McKinley, J., & Galloway, N.
    (Eds.)2022 English-medium instruction practices in higher education: International perspectives. Bloomsbury. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Mendelowitz, B., Ferreira, A., & Dixon K.
    2022 Language narratives and shifting multilingual pedagogies: English teaching from the South. Bloomsbury. https://​www​.bloomsbury​.com​/uk​/language​-narratives​-and​-shifting​-multilingual​-pedagogies​-9781350165922/Google Scholar
    Molino, A., Dimova, S., Kling, J., & Larsen, S.
    2022 The evolution of EMI research in European higher education. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Pham, M., & Barnett, J.
    (Eds.)2022 English medium instruction practices in Vietnamese universities: Institutional, practitioner and student perspectives. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Pun, J. K., Curle, S., & Yuksel, D.
    (Eds.) 2022 The use of technology in English medium education. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Richards, J. C., & Pun, J.
    2022 Teaching and learning in English medium instruction: An introduction. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Salomone, R.
    2022 The rise of English: Global politics and the power of language. Oxford University Press. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Breeze, R., & Guinda, C. S.
    2021 Teaching English-medium instruction courses in higher education: A guide for non-native speakers. Bloomsbury. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Cañado, M. L. P.
    (Ed.)2021 Content and language integrated learning in monolingual settings: New insights from the Spanish context. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Di Sabato, B., & Hughes, B.
    (Eds.)2021 Multilingual perspectives from Europe and beyond on language policy and practice. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Guarda, M.
    2021 Student perspectives on English-medium instruction: Insights from an Italian university. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Ikeda, M., Izumi, S., Watanabe, Y., Pinner, R., & Davis, M.
    2021 Soft CLIL and English language teaching: Understanding Japanese policy, practice and implications. Taylor & Francis. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Ke, I.-C.
    2021 Globalization and English education in Taiwan: Curriculum, perceptions, and pedagogies. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Kojima, N.
    2021 Student motivation in English-medium instruction: Empirical studies in a Japanese university. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    LaDousa, C., & Davis, C. P.
    (Eds.)2021 Language, education, and identity: Medium in South Asia. Taylor & Francis. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Lasagabaster, D., & Doiz, A.
    (Eds.)2021 Language use in English-medium instruction at university: International perspectives on teacher practice. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Linn, A., Shrestha, P., Bezborodova, A., & Hultgren, A. K.
    2021 Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. British Council. https://​www​.teachingenglish​.org​.uk​/sites​/teacheng​/files​/2​.%20Current%20practice%20in%20English​-medium​_artwork​.pdf
    Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y.
    (Eds.)2021 Teaching, learning and scaffolding in CLIL science classrooms. John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Paulsrud, B., Tian, Z., & Toth, J.
    (Eds.)2021 English-medium instruction and translanguaging. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Pun, J. K. H., & Curle, S. M.
    (Eds.)2021 Research methods in English medium instruction. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Rubio-Alcalá, F. D., & Coyle, D.
    (Eds.)2021 Developing and evaluating quality bilingual practices in higher education. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Ruegg, R.
    2021 Supporting EMI students outside of the classroom: Evidence from Japan. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Sahan, K., Mikolajewska, A., Rose, H., Macaro, E., Searle, M., Aizawa, I., Zhou, S., & Veitch, A.
    2021 Global mapping of English as a medium of instruction in higher education: 2020 and beyond. British Council. https://​www​.teachingenglish​.org​.uk​/sites​/teacheng​/files​/5​.%20Global%20mapping%20of%20English​_artwork​.pdf
    Su, L. I. W., Cheung, H., & Wu, J. R.
    (Eds.)2021 Rethinking EMI: Multidisciplinary perspectives from Chinese-speaking regions. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Talbot, K. R., Gruber, M. T., & Nishida, R.
    (Eds.)2021 The psychological experience of integrating content and language. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Tse, S. K., Ki, W. W., & Shum, M. S. K.
    2021 Controversies in medium of instruction reform: The experience of Hong Kong. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Tsou, W., & Baker, W.
    (Eds.)2021 English-medium instruction translanguaging practices in Asia: Theories, frameworks and implementation in higher education. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Wilkinson, R., & Gabriëls, R.
    (Eds.)2021 The Englishization of higher education in Europe. Amsterdam University Press. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Block, D., & Khan, S.
    (Eds.)2020 The secret life of English-medium instruction in higher education: Examining microphenomena in context. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Bowles, H., & Murphy, A. C.
    (Eds.)2020 English-medium instruction and the internationalization of universities. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Cammarata, L., & Ó Ceallaigh, T. J.
    (Eds.)2020 Teacher development for immersion and content-based instruction. John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Carrió-Pastor, M. L.
    (Ed.)2020 Internationalising learning in higher education: The challenges of English as a medium of instruction. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Dafouz, E., & Smit, U.
    2020 ROAD-MAPPING English medium education in the internationalised university. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    deBoer, M., & Leontjev, D.
    (Eds.)2020 Assessment and learning in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classrooms: Approaches and conceptualisations. Springer Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Dimova, S., & Kling, J.
    (Eds.)2020 Integrating content and language in multilingual universities. Springer Nature. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Konakahara, M., & Tsuchiya, K.
    2020 English as a lingua franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practices. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Kuteeva, M., Kaufhold, K., & Hynninen, N.
    (Eds.)2020 Language perceptions and practices in multilingual universities. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Lo, Y. Y.
    2020 Professional development of CLIL teachers. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Mede, E., Dikilitas, K., & Atay, D.
    2020 Pedagogic and instructional perspectives in language education: The context of higher education. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Sánchez-Pérez, M.
    (Ed.)2020 Teacher training for English-medium instruction in hiigher education. IGI Global. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Jenkins, J., & Mauranen, A.
    (Eds.)2019 Linguistic diversity on the EMI campus: Insider accounts of the use of English and other languages in universities within Asia, Australasia, and Europe. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Maschmeier, F.
    2019 Learner autonomy in the CLIL classroom. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Milligan, L. O., & Tikly, L.
    (Eds.)2018 English as a medium of instruction in postcolonial contexts: Issues of quality, equity and social justice. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Richter, K.
    2019 English-medium instruction and pronunciation: Exposure and skills development. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Tsuchiya, K., & Murillo, M. D. P.
    (Eds.)2019 Content and language integrated learning in Spanish and Japanese contexts: Policy, practice and pedagogy. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Barnard, R., & Hasim, Z.
    (Eds.)2018 English medium instruction programmes: Perspectives from South East Asian universities. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Macaro, E.
    2018 English medium instruction: Content and language in policy and practice. Oxford University Press.Google Scholar
    Murata, K.
    (Ed.)2018 English-medium instruction from an English as a lingua franca perspective: Exploring the higher education context. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Henriksen, B., Holmen, A., & Kling, J.
    (Eds.)2018 English medium instruction in multilingual and multicultural universities: Academics’ voices from the Northern European context. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


    Ackerley, K., Guarda, M., & Helm, F.
    (Eds.)2017 Sharing perspectives on English-medium instruction. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Blaj-Ward, L.
    2017 Language learning and use in English-medium higher education. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Bradford, A., & Brown, H.
    (Eds.)2017 English-medium instruction in Japanese higher education: Policy, challenges and outcomes. Multilingual Matters. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Coonan, C. M., Favaro, L., & Menegale, M.
    (Eds.)2017 A journey through the content and language integrated learning landscape: Problems and prospects. Cambridge Scholars. https://​www​.cambridgescholars​.com​/resources​/pdfs​/978​-1​-4438​-8920​-9​-sample​.pdf
    Fenton-Smith, B., Humphreys, P., & Walkinshaw, I.
    (Eds.)2017 English medium instruction in higher education in Asia-Pacific: From policy to pedagogy. Springer. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Galloway, N., Kriukow, J., & Numajiri, T.
    2017 Internationalisation, higher education and the growing demand for English: An investigation into the English medium of instruction (EMI) movement in China and Japan. British Council. https://​www​.teachingenglish​.org​.uk​/sites​/teacheng​/files​/H035%20ELTRA%20Internationalisation​_HE​_and%20the%20growing%20demand%20for%20English%20A4​_FINAL​_WEB​.pdf
    Lawrence, C., Inbar-Lourie, O., & Weinberg, L.
    2017 A handbook for English-medium instruction in institutions of higher education in Israel: English as the cornerstone of sustainable technology and research. University of Tel Aviv. https://​tempus​-ecostar​.iucc​.ac​.il​/wp​-content​/uploads​/2017​/05​/EMI​-BOOK​-ATAR​.pdf
    Llinares, A., & Morton, T.
    (Eds.)2017 Applied linguistics perspectives on CLIL. John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Margic, B. D., & Vodopija-Krstanovic, I.
    2017 Uncovering English-medium Instruction: Glocal Issues in higher education. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Möller, V.
    2017 Language acquisition in CLIL and non-CLIL settings: Learner corpus and experimental evidence on passive constructions. John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Tsou, W., & Kao, S.
    (Eds.)2017 English as a medium of instruction in higher education: Implementations and classroom practices in Taiwan. Springer Singapore. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
    Valcke, J., & Wilkinson, R.
    (Eds.)2017 Integrating content and language in higher education : Perspectives on professional practice. Peter Lang. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
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