Desired Language
Languages as objects of national ideology
National linguistic ideology has been at the base of most historical processes that –whether they are complete or not – have brought us to the current reality: a world of languages that represent, with greater or lesser exactitude, the diversity – and convergences – of human groups. Various of today’s thinkers have predicted the decline or even the end of national ideologies. In the area of language, postmodernism would make the linguistic affiliation of the community individuals irrelevant, de-ideologise language use, and extend plurilingualism and language alternation in association with a new distribution of (physical or functional) spaces of linguistic practice.
But is this true everywhere? Are languages now nowhere the core of collective identity? Or are we witnessing a distinction between languages that, because of their magnitude, status, strategic position, etc., can continue to exercise the function of national languages and languages that have to renounce this function? Has national linguistic ideology really ceased to make sense? What other strategies should the historic language of a given geographic area employ if it wants to continue forming part of the life of the community that is set up there? What kinds of languages are desired by politicians, intellectuals and philologists? This book aims to bring some thoughts about these questions.
But is this true everywhere? Are languages now nowhere the core of collective identity? Or are we witnessing a distinction between languages that, because of their magnitude, status, strategic position, etc., can continue to exercise the function of national languages and languages that have to renounce this function? Has national linguistic ideology really ceased to make sense? What other strategies should the historic language of a given geographic area employ if it wants to continue forming part of the life of the community that is set up there? What kinds of languages are desired by politicians, intellectuals and philologists? This book aims to bring some thoughts about these questions.
[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 35] 2023. vi, 294 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Languages, an object of desireFrancesc Feliu | pp. 3–4
Part I. Identity, community attachment and language wish
Posar fronteres a la mar: La llengua desitjadaJosep M. Nadal | pp. 5–32
La nozione di “lingua madre” in contesto minoritario: Una prospettiva ecologica e desideranteGiovanni Agresti | pp. 33–67
Pour une autobiographie linguistique critique: Naissance du désir, naissance de la langueJean-Michel Eloy | pp. 69–95
Part II. On the meaning and usefulness of national linguistic ideology
Ideologia nacional i política lingüística: El discurs dels àngels i el discurs dels humansJordi Ginebra | pp. 99–115
Multicultural citizenship, European integration and language rightsMarco Stolfo | pp. 117–136
Territory and language from the perspective of 19th and 20th century Macedonia (as a representation of the Balkans)Jolanta Sujecka | pp. 137–151
Plus ça change…? Linguicide, linguistic suicide and image planning for the French langues régionalesStephen Joseph McNulty | pp. 153–169
La influència de la identitat en la configuració de la consciència lingüística dels valencians entre 1854 i 1906Adrià Martí-Badia | pp. 171–186
Part III. Presence or absence of language standardisation processes: The side effects
Modelant l’estandardització: Tendències actuals i emergentsWendy Ayres-Bennett | pp. 189–201
‘Compositionality’ in comparative standardologyJoan Costa-Carreras, Carla Amorós-Negre and Miquel Àngel Pradilla | pp. 203–218
Les consonants que separen el catalanovalencià de l’occitàJordi Cassany-Bates | pp. 219–235
¿Com justifica la Secció Filològica l’absència d’obres institucionals durant dècades?Abelard Saragossà | pp. 237–252
L’extensió del castellà a la Catalunya contemporàniaFrancesc Bernat, Mireia Galindo and Carles de Rosselló | pp. 253–266
Langue minor(is)ée, “langue désirée”? Sur les dénominations d’entreprises et de produits agro-alimentaires en langue occitane au XXIe siècle micro-actes glottopolitiques contre substitution ethnosociolinguistiqueHenri Boyer | pp. 267–289
Subject index | pp. 291–294
Main BIC Subject
CFB: Sociolinguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009050: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics