Volume 18, Issue 2 (2006)
2006. 204 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Translation channels: A primer on politicized literary transferIoana Popa | pp. 205–228
Language(s) in the global news: Translation, audience design and discourse (mis)representationRobert Holland | pp. 229–259
Orientations de la recherche en traduction audiovisuelleYves Gambier | pp. 261–293
Revision from translators’ point of view: An interview studyClaire Yi-yi Shih | pp. 295–312
Translation as a writing process: Pauses in translation versus monolingual text productionSini Immonen | pp. 313–336
The effect of translator training on interference and difficultyBrenda Malkiel | pp. 337–366
Myriam Diocaretz & Marta Segarra (eds.). 2004. Joyful Babel: Translating Hélène CixousReviewed by Michaela Wolf | pp. 367–370
Gideon Toury. 2004. Los estudios descriptivos de traducción y más allá: Metodología de la investigación en estudios de traducciónReviewed by Marta Mateo | pp. 371–373
María Jesús García Garrosa & Francisco Lafarga. 2004. El discurso sobre la traducción en la España del siglo XVIII. Estudio y antologíaCompte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 373–380
Reine Meylaerts. 2004. L’aventure flamande de la Revue belge. Langues, littératures et cultures dans l’entre-deux-guerresCompte rendu par Rainier Grutman | pp. 380–383
Kate Sturge. 2004. “The alien within”: Translation into German during the Nazi regimeReviewed by Cristina Gómez Castro | pp. 384–387
New books at a glancepp. 389–395
Monika Redlin. 2005. Die Literarische Übersetzung zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Die Werke Grazia Deleddas im deutschen SprachraumRezensiert von Jörn Albrecht | pp. 389–391
Maria Sidiropoulou (ed.). 2005. Identity and difference: Translation shaping cultureReviewed by Andrew Chesterman | pp. 391–393
Rita Godijns & Michael Hinderdael (eds.). 2005. Directionality in interpreting: The ‘retour’ or the native?Compte rendu par Ivana Čeňková | pp. 393–395
Other books receivedpp. 397–400
Book reviews
New books at a glances
Publications received
Translation & Interpreting Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting