Volume 30, Issue 3 (2018)
2018. iv, 165 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 23 October 2018
Published online on 23 October 2018
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Rettegés és részrehajlás nélkül? Az ICRC és az UNHCR humanitárius tolmácsainak pozicionalitásaCarmen Delgado Luchner & Leïla Kherbiche | pp. 415–438
Friend and foe: On the role of indirect literary translation in the construction of the conflicting images of communist Poland in para-fascist PortugalHanna Pięta | pp. 345–387
Towards a poetics of immersion in lyric translation: Aesthetic illusion and the translator as immersive reader in English translations of classical Chinese ci poetryMin Zhou | pp. 388–414
Without fear or favour? The positionality of ICRC and UNHCR interpreters in the humanitarian fieldCarmen Delgado Luchner & Leïla Kherbiche | pp. 415–438
“It keeps me on my toes”: Interpreters’ perceptions of challenges in telephone interpreting and their coping strategiesJihong Wang | pp. 439–473
Federico Italiano. 2016. Translation and GeographyReviewed by Luc van Doorslaer | pp. 474–478
Piotr Sulikowski. 2016. Der literarische Text und I-Faktoren in der Übersetzung. Anhand ausgewählter Werke Zbigniew Herberts im Deutschen und Englischen. Eine kontrastive trilinguale AnalyseReviewed by Jenny Brumme | pp. 479–484
Jean Delisle & Alain Otis. 2016. Les douaniers des langues. Grandeur et misère de la traduction à Ottawa, 1867–1967Reviewed by Heleen van Gerwen | pp. 485–489
Lawrence Venuti (ed.). 2017. Teaching Translation: Programs, Courses, PedagogiesReviewed by Sara Laviosa | pp. 490–495
Luc van Doorslaer, Peter Flynn & Joep Leerssen (eds.). 2016. Interconnecting Translation Studies and ImagologyReviewed by Cornelia Zwischenberger | pp. 496–501
Gertrudis Payàs & José Manuel Zavala (eds.). 2012. La mediación lingüístico-cultural en tiempos de guerra: cruce de miradas desde España y América & Icíar Alonso Araguás, Alba Páez Rodríguez & Mario Samaniego Sastre (eds.). 2015. Traducción y representaciones del conflicto desde España y América: una perspectiva interdisciplinarReviewed by Jorge Jiménez-Bellver | pp. 502–508
Yves Gambier & Luc van Doorslaer (eds.). 2016. Border Crossings: Translation Studies and Other DisciplinesReviewed by Hong Diao | pp. 509–514
Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, Liisa Tiitula & Maarit Koponen (eds.). 2017. Communities in Translation and InterpretingReviewed by Lucile Davier | pp. 515–519
Meng Ji (ed.). 2016. Empirical Translation Studies: Interdisciplinary Methodologies ExploredReviewed by Mi Zhang | pp. 520–525
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General