Volume 7, Issue 2 (1995)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 July 2012
Published online on 19 July 2012
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
The Concept of Equivalence and the Object of Translation StudiesWerner Koller | pp. 191–222
Corpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Some Suggestions for Future ResearchMona Baker | pp. 223–243
Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Corpus Selection in Translation StudiesLuc van Doorslaer | pp. 245–260
Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in PointChristiane Nord | pp. 261–284
Headlining in Translation: English vs. Greek PressMaria Sidiropoulou | pp. 285–304
A Pragmatic Classification of LSP Texts in Science and TechnologySusanne Göpferich | pp. 305–326
Retranslation of Children's Books as Evidence of Changes of NormsMiryam Du-Nour | pp. 327–346
Intuition in TranslationVilen N. Komissarov | pp. 347–354
Dinda L. Gorlée. 1994. Semiotics and the Problem of Translation, with Special Reference to the Semiotics of Charles S. Peirce.Reviewed by Elda Weizman | pp. 355–359
Yves Gambier & Jorma Tommola (eds.). 1993. Translation and Knowledge: SSOTT IV—Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (Turku, 4-6.6.1992).Reviewed by Kirsten Malmkjær | pp. 359–362
Mary Snell-Hornby, Franz Pöchhacker & Klaus Kaindl (eds.). 1994. Translation Studies: An InterdisciplineReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 363–366
Romy Heylen. 1993. Translation, Poetics, and the Stage.Reviewed by Sirkku Aaltonen | pp. 366–369
Candace Whitman-Linsen. 1992. Through the Dubbing Glass: The Synchronization of American Motion Pictures into German, French and Spanish.Reviewed by Aline Remael | pp. 369–373
Thomas O. Beebee. 1990. Clarissa on the Continent: Translation and Seduction.Reviewed by Wilhelm Graeber | pp. 374–375
Helga Essmann. 1992. Übersetzungsanthologien: Eine Typologie und eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Versdichtung in deutschsprachigen Anthologien 1920-1960.Reviewed by Hannah Amit-Kochavi | pp. 376–380
Hans J. Vermeer. 1992. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation, Bd. 1: Anfänge: von Mesopotamien bis Griechenland; Rom und das frühe Christentum bis Hieronymus.Rezensiert von Heidemarie Salevsky | pp. 381–385
Hans J. Vermeer. 1992. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation, Bd. 1: Anfänge: von Mesopotamien bis Griechenland; Rom und das frühe Christentum bis Hieronymus.Rezensiert von Heidemarie Salevsky | pp. 381–385
Kitty M. van Leuven-Zwart. 1992. Vertaalwetenschap: Ontwikkelingen en perspectieven.Reviewed by Theo Hermans | pp. 385–387
André Lefevere. 1992. Translation, Rewriting & the Manipulation of Literary Fame.Reviewed by Hannah Amit-Kochavi | pp. 389–391
Christine Pagnoulle (éd.). 1992. Les gens du passage.Compte rendu par Michel Ballard | pp. 391–393
Palma Zlateva (ed. and tr.). 1993. Translation as Social Action: Russian and Bulgarian Perspectives.Reviewed by Anikó Sohár | pp. 393–395
Siegfried Meurer (Hrsg.). 1993. Die vergessenen Schwestern: Frauengerechte Sprache in der Bibelübersetzung.Rezensiert von Anneke de Vries | pp. 395–397
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