Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics

ORCID logoPatrícia Amaral | Indiana University
ORCID logoMegan Solon | Indiana University

Please click here for Memorial statement

Romance linguists are by definition not only aligned with their theoretical paradigm (e.g. usage-based sociolinguists to generative grammarians), but rather there is a sense of a larger community to which all Romance linguists belong by virtue of the languages studied. Spanish and Portuguese are two of the top ten most widely spoken languages in the world. They are by far the largest two in the Romance family of languages in terms of number of speakers. It is fair to say that there is a strong sub-community of Romance linguists also aligned by virtue of their research foci on Spanish and Portuguese. Beyond providing high quality work applicable to the linguistic sciences in general, the aforementioned community of Hispanic and Lusophone linguists is precisely the audience to which we believe this book series will appeal to the most.

The aim of this book series is to provide a single home for the highest quality monographs and edited volumes pertaining to Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics. In an effort to be as inclusive as possible, the series hopes to include volumes that represent the many sub-fields and paradigms of linguistics that do high quality research targeting Iberian Romance languages. We seek projects pertaining to all dialects in the world where these languages (co-)exist (e.g. Europe, South and North America, Africa) as well as projects on the acquisition of these languages anywhere Spanish and Portuguese are acquired in childhood or adulthood. Because our goal is to consider manuscripts from all relevant linguistic approaches, the common thread across the books within this series will be the languages themselves. Although we anticipate that the majority of the books will focus on Spanish and Portuguese, for obvious reasons, we would like to encourage book proposals that engage other Iberian-Romance languages in Europe (e.g., Galician, Catalan, Aragonese, etc.) and/or examine Spanish and Portuguese in their co-existence with other non-Romance languages in Europe (e.g. Basque), indigenous languages in Latin America, English in North America, and other national and regional languages across the Hispanic and Lusophone world. Projects that engage several of these languages together are especially welcome. We will consider proposals that focus on formal syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics/phonology, pragmatics from any established research paradigm, as well as psycholinguistics, language acquisition, historical linguistics, applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. Please note that proposals for conference proceedings will not be considered, however proposals for strong thematic collections are welcome. The editorial board is comprised of experts in all of the aforementioned fields.

To submit a book proposal, you may email your proposal to the series editors at [email protected] and [email protected]. For information of what the book proposal (single authored and edited volumes alike) should include, please see our Guidelines for book proposals. The editor makes decisions on acceptance of the book proposal in consultation with the relevant members of the editorial board given the topic of the proposed project.

Edited by Cecilia Montes-Alcalá and Miguel García
Expected August 2025. xi, 235 pp. + index
Edited by Michael Gradoville and Sean McKinnon
2024. xvi, 296 pp.
Vítor Míguez
2024. xvii, 234 pp.
Antonio Fábregas
2024. xiii, 394 pp.
Edited by Sara Fernández Cuenca, Tiffany Judy and Lauren Miller
2023. x, 250 pp.
Edited by Sara L. Zahler, Avizia Y. Long and Bret Linford
2023. xxi, 371 pp.
Edited by Guillermo Lorenzo
2022. ix, 218 pp.
Edited by Patricia Gubitosi and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia
2021. xi, 395 pp.
Edited by Alba Cerrudo, Ángel J. Gallego and Francesc Roca Urgell
2021. vi, 385 pp.
Edited by Timothy Gupton and Elizabeth Gielau
2021. viii, 217 pp.
Edited by Manuel Díaz-Campos and Sandro Sessarego
2021. vi, 292 pp.
Edited by Mandy R. Menke and Paul A. Malovrh
2021. x, 512 pp.
Antonio Fábregas
2020. xi, 377 pp.
Edited by Sandro Sessarego, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-Riccelli
2020. viii, 277 pp.
Edited by Rajiv Rao
2020. x, 452 pp.
Edited by Diego Pascual y Cabo and Idoia Elola
2020. vi, 344 pp.
Edited by Alfonso Morales-Front, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina Sanz
2020. vi, 344 pp.
Edited by Talia Bugel and Cecilia Montes-Alcalá
2020. xi, 274 pp.
Edited by Karina Veronica Molsing, Cristina Becker Lopes Perna and Ana Maria Tramunt Ibaños
2020. x, 300 pp.
Edited by Stephen Fafulas
2020. viii, 303 pp.
Edited by Luis A. Ortiz López, Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo and Melvin González-Rivera
2020. vii, 336 pp.
Edited by Whitney Chappell
2019. vi, 344 pp.
Edited by Laura Álvarez López, Perpétua Gonçalves and Juanito Ornelas de Avelar
2018. xii, 318 pp.
Edited by Luis López
2018. vii, 270 pp.
Kelly Lowther Pereira
2018. x, 248 pp.
Edited by Ana Lúcia Santos and Anabela Gonçalves
2018. vi, 418 pp.
Edited by Miriam Bouzouita, Ioanna Sitaridou and Enrique Pato
2018. vi, 340 pp.
Edited by Jonathan E. MacDonald
2018. ix, 376 pp.
Edited by Pilar Barbosa, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste Rodrigues
2017. vi, 345 pp.
Edited by Kate Bellamy, Michael W. Child, Paz González, Antje Muntendam and M. Carmen Parafita Couto
2017. vii, 327 pp.
Edited by Alejandro Cuza, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel Olson
2016. xi, 358 pp.
Edited by Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo, Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita Couto
2016. viii, 326 pp.
Edited by María Irene Moyna and Susana Rivera-Mills
2016. x, 352 pp.
C. Elizabeth Goodin-Mayeda
2016. x, 115 pp.
Edited by Sandro Sessarego and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero
2016. xvi, 406 pp.
Iván Ortega-Santos
2016. xii, 204 pp.
Edited by Meghan E. Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell
2016. xxi, 389 pp.
Edited by Isabel Pérez-Jiménez, Manuel Leonetti and Silvia Gumiel-Molina
2015. vi, 326 pp.
Edited by Rachel Klassen, Juana M. Liceras and Elena Valenzuela
2015. xviii, 339 pp.
Edited by Tiffany Judy and Silvia Perpiñán
2015. vi, 362 pp.
Julio Villa-García
2015. xv, 274 pp.
Edited by Patrícia Amaral and Ana Maria Carvalho
2014. vi, 468 pp.
Editorial Board
ORCID logoJennifer Cabrelli | University of Illinois at Chicago
ORCID logoSonia Colina | University of Arizona
João Costa | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Inês Duarte | Universidade de Lisboa
Daniel Erker | Boston University
Timothy L. Face | University of Minnesota
Sónia Frota | Universidade de Lisboa
ORCID logoÁngel J. Gallego | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ORCID logoMaría del Pilar García Mayo | Universidad del País Vasco
ORCID logoAnna Gavarró | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ORCID logoMichael Iverson | Indiana University
ORCID logoMatthew Kanwit | University of Pittsburgh
ORCID logoJuana M. Liceras | University of Ottawa
John M. Lipski | Pennsylvania State University
ORCID logoGillian Lord | University of Florida
ORCID logoJairo Nunes | Universidade de São Paulo
Acrisio Pires | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Pilar Prieto | Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jason Rothman | UiT the Artic University of Norway & Universidad Nebrija
ORCID logoLiliana Sánchez | Rutgers University
ORCID logoAna Lúcia Santos | Universidade de Lisboa
Scott A. Schwenter | Ohio State University
ORCID logoNaomi Shin | University of New Mexico
Carmen Silva-Corvalán | University of Southern California
Miquel Simonet | University of Arizona
Juan Uriagereka | University of Maryland
Elena Valenzuela | University of Ottawa
Bill VanPatten | Michigan State University
