Studies in Bilingualism
Main information
67 |
Edited by Elena Babatsouli
2024. ix, 645 pp.
66 |
Edited by Kleanthes K. Grohmann
2024. x, 434 pp.
65 |
Edited by Megan M. Brown-Bousfield, Suzanne Flynn and Éva Fernández-Berkes
2023. vi, 275 pp.
64 |
Edited by Gigi Luk, John A.E. Anderson and John G. Grundy
2023. vi, 394 pp.
63 |
Edited by Dalila Ayoun
2022. xi, 282 pp.
62 |
Edited by Michael J. Leeser, Gregory D. Keating and Wynne Wong
2021. viii, 359 pp.
61 |
Edited by Ute Bohnacker and Natalia Gagarina
2020. vii, 341 pp.
60 |
Edited by Fatih Bayram
2020. xiv, 287 pp.
59 |
Edited by Bernhard Brehmer and Jeanine Treffers-Daller
2020. vii, 276 pp.
58 |
Suzanne Aalberse, Ad Backus and Pieter Muysken
2019. xix, 302 pp.
57 |
Edited by Irina A. Sekerina, Lauren Spradlin and Virginia Valian
2019. viii, 377 pp.
56 |
Emma Ticio Quesada
2018. xi, 244 pp.
55 |
Edited by Jacee Cho, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya
2018. xv, 311 pp.
54 |
Edited by David Miller, Fatih Bayram, Jason Rothman and Ludovica Serratrice
2018. vi, 403 pp.
53 |
Edited by Ellen Bialystok and Margot D. Sullivan
2017. vi, 304 pp.
52 |
Edited by Elma Blom, Leonie Cornips and Jeannette Schaeffer
2017. vi, 358 pp.
51 |
Edited by Anahí Alba de la Fuente, Elena Valenzuela and Cristina Martínez Sanz
2016. vi, 305 pp.
50 |
Edited by Martin Howard and Pascale Leclercq
2017. vi, 257 pp.
49 |
Edited by Diego Pascual y Cabo
2016. ix, 353 pp.
48 |
Edited by Patrick Rebuschat
2015. xxii, 489 pp.
47 |
Edited by Scott Jarvis and Michael Daller
2013. viii, 220 pp.
46 |
Edited by Jennifer Cabrelli, Suzanne Flynn and Jason Rothman
2012. vii, 312 pp.
45 |
Edited by Lynne Hansen
2012. x, 268 pp.
44 |
Fredric Field
2011. xviii, 320 pp.
43 |
Edited by Monika S. Schmid and Wander Lowie
2011. vii, 308 pp.
42 |
Edited by Kim Potowski and Jason Rothman
2011. vi, 371 pp.
41 |
Edited by Ludmila Isurin, Donald Winford and Kees de Bot
2009. xviii, 364 pp.
40 |
Michel Paradis
2009. xii, 219 pp.
39 |
Silvina Montrul
2008. x, 312 pp.
38 |
Edited by Carolina Plaza-Pust and Esperanza Morales-López
2008. xvi, 389 pp.
37 |
Edited by Mercedes Niño-Murcia and Jason Rothman
2008. vii, 365 pp.
36 |
Edited by Jette G. Hansen Edwards and Mary L. Zampini
2008. vi, 380 pp.
35 |
Sonia Rocca
2007. xvi, 240 pp.
34 |
Michèle Koven
2007. xi, 327 pp.
33 |
Edited by Barbara Köpke, Monika S. Schmid, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert
2007. vii, 258 pp.
32 |
Edited by Kimi Kondo-Brown
2006. x, 282 pp.
31 |
Edited by Barbara O. Baptista and Michael Alan Watkins
2006. vi, 214 pp.
30 |
Edited by Manfred Pienemann
2005. xiv, 303 pp.
29 |
Edited by Dalila Ayoun and M. Rafael Salaberry
2005. x, 318 pp.
28 |
Edited by Monika S. Schmid, Barbara Köpke, Merel Keijzer and Lina Weilemar
2004. x, 378 pp.
27 |
Laura Callahan
2004. viii, 181 pp.
26 |
Edited by Christine Dimroth and Marianne Starren
2003. vi, 361 pp.
25 |
Ingrid Piller
2002. xii, 315 pp.
24 |
Monika S. Schmid
2002. xiv, 259 pp. (incl. CD-Rom)
23 |
Edited by Ludo Verhoeven and Sven Strömqvist
2001. viii, 430 pp.
22 |
M. Rafael Salaberry
2000. xii, 210 pp.
21 |
Edited by Susanne Döpke
2000. x, 258 pp.
20 |
Nanda Poulisse
1999. xvi, 266 pp.
19 |
Muhammad Hasan Amara
1999. xx, 261 pp.
18 |
Michel Paradis
2004. viii, 299 pp.
17 |
Rod Ellis
1999. x, 285 pp.
16 |
Edited by Thom Huebner and Kathryn A. Davis
1999. xvi, 365 pp.
15 |
Manfred Pienemann
1998. xviii, 366 pp.
14 |
Edited by Richard Young and Agnes Weiyun He
1998. x, 395 pp.
13 |
Charles E. Holloway
1997. x, 220 pp.
12 |
Helena Halmari
1997. xvi, 276 pp.
11 |
Angelika Becker and Mary Carroll
1997. xii, 212 pp.
10 |
Edited by Robert Bayley and Dennis R. Preston
1996. xix, 317 pp.
9 |
Edited by Barbara F. Freed
1995. xiv, 345 pp.
8 |
Kathryn A. Davis
1994. xix, 220 pp.
7 |
Rainer Dietrich, Wolfgang Klein and Colette Noyau
1995. xii, 288 pp.
6 |
Edited by Robert Schreuder and Bert Weltens
1993. viii, 307 pp.
5 |
Wolfgang Klein and Clive Perdue
1992. xvi, 354 pp.
4 |
Christina Bratt Paulston
1994. xi, 136 pp.
3 |
Susanne Döpke
1992. xviii, 231 pp.
2 |
Edited by Kees de Bot, Ralph B. Ginsberg and Claire Kramsch
1991. xi, 275 pp.
1 |
Edited by Willem Fase, Koen Jaspaert and Sjaak Kroon
1992. xii, 403 pp.
Submission guidelines for authors and editors
These are the guidelines for the preparation of a manuscript accepted for publication in the Studies in Bilingualism (SIBIL). Please note that the guidelines may vary per book series, and make sure that you use the guidelines for the series in which your volume will appear.
For the benefit of production efficiency and the production of texts of the highest quality and consistency, we urge you to follow the enclosed submission guidelines.
Manuscripts should be in either British or American English consistently throughout; if you are not a native speaker of English it is advisable to have your text checked by a native speaker before submission.
When submitting the final manuscript please make sure that you provide the following:
- final versions of the file(s)
- identical hard copy or a PDF file with embedded fonts, showing all special characters as they should be
and for collective volumes also:
- a complete set of copyright assignment forms
- the table of contents of the volume
- an electronic file with a list of all contributors’ addresses (mail and e-mail)
Hard copy and electronic files
Hard copy: Please provide hard copy or a PDF file with embedded fonts. During the production process the hard copy or PDF are referenced by the typesetter and is of great help to solve problems in the files, such as conversion errors, distorted tables, lost graphs, etc.
Electronic files: Please make sure that you supply all text and graphic files of the final version of the manuscript. Please delete any personal comments so that these cannot mistakenly be typeset, and check that all files are readable.
File naming conventions: When naming your file please use a clear and consistent file naming convention. We suggest the following: use the first three characters of your own surname; if your name is Johnson, the files should be named JOH.DOC, if further divided into chapters JOH1.DOC, JOH2.DOC. Figures can be named as follows JOH1.EPS, JOH2.EPS, etc. Please write the file names on the corresponding hard copy. This naming convention is particularly important when submitting for collective volumes.
Software: Files in Word are preferred, but our typesetters can convert almost anything. If, for some reason, a different format is required than supplied, we will contact you.
Graphic files: Any graphics created in Word (or Excell) can remain in the text and do not require special action. Graphics that have been created in another program, such as special purpose graphics software, and any other illustrations should be supplied separately. Please make sure that these have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when resized to the book page. Also see the instructions in the section 'Tables, figures and plates' below.
Additional materials: If the book has associated audio-visual materials or datasets, please indicate in the text where each of these files is referred to. Also provide a separate list containing the name of each associated file, its type, size, and caption/description.
Our typesetters will do the final formatting of your document. However, some of the text enhancement cannot be done automatically and therefore we kindly ask you to carefully observe the following style.
Do’s and don’ts
Please use a minimum of page settings. The preferred setting is 12 pt Times New Roman, double line spacing, on 13 x 22 cm (5" x 8.6") text area. With this setting the ratio manuscript to typeset pages is roughly 2:1. The only relevant codes are those pertaining to font enhancements (italics, bold, caps, small caps, etc.), punctuation, and the format of the references. Whatever formatting or style conventions you use, please be consistent.
Emphasis and foreign words: Use italics for foreign words, highlighting, and emphasis. Bold should be used only for highlighting within italics and for headings. Please refrain from the use of FULL CAPS (except for focal stress and abbreviations) and underlining (except for highlighting within examples, as an alternative for boldface).
Running heads: In case of a long title please suggest a short one for the running head (max. 55 characters) on the title page of your manuscript.
Symbols and special characters: Please use Unicode fonts!
Chapters and headings: Chapters or articles should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, into subsections. Please mark the hierarchy of subheadings as follows:
Heading A = bold, two lines space above and one line space below.
Heading B = italics, one line space above and one line space below.
Heading C = italics, one line space above, text on new line
Heading D = italics, one line space above; period; run on text.
Quotations: Text quotations in the main text should be given in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than 3 lines should have a blank line above and below and a left indent, without quotation marks, and with the appropriate reference to the source.
Listings: Should not be indented. If numbered, please number as follows:
1. ..................... or a. .......................
2. ..................... or b. .......................
Listings that run on with the main text should be numbered in parentheses: (1).............., (2)............., etc.
Each article should start off with an abstract. The abstract should be:
- Accurate: Ensure that the abstract objectively reflects the purpose and content of your paper. Report rather than evaluate.
- Self-contained: Define abbreviations and unique terms, spell out names, and give reference to the context in which your paper should be viewed (i.e., it builds on your previous work, or responds to another publication)
- Concise and specific: Abstracts should not exceed 120 words. Be maximally informative, use the active voice, and include the 4 or 5 most important key words, findings, or implications.
Abstracts should also be submitted in a separate file.
Examples and glosses
Examples: should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.) in parentheses and indented. Every next level in the example (a), (b) gets one indent:
(3) a. Ed en Floor gaan samen-wonen
Ed and Floor go together-live INF
‘Ed and Floor are going to live together’
b. Maarten en Stefanie zijn uit elkaar
Maarten and Stefanie be out RECP
‘Maarten and Stefanie have split up’
Glosses: for conventions for interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses, please refer to
Notes should be kept to a minimum. Note indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences and follow punctuation marks. Notes will generally be formatted as foot notes by the typesetters.
It is essential that the references be formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines, as these cannot be formatted automatically.
References in the text: These should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example (Clahsen, 1991: 252) or: as in Brown et al. (1991: 252). All references in the text should appear in the references section.
References section: References should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. The section should include all (and only!) references that are actually mentioned in the text. The LL< series prefers the APA style as can be found in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed.).
Authors/contributors are encouraged to supply – with a reference, not instead of – the DOI if they happen to have that information readily available.
Book (monograph):
Cooper, H. (1998). Synthesizing research: A guide for literature reviews (3rd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Kinoshita, K. (1993). Defectively working Universal Grammar and Prodrop Parameter resetting in adult second language acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Georgetown University.
Book (edited volume):
Doughty, C.J., & Long, M.H. (Eds.). (2003). The handbook of second language acquisition. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Article (in book):
Lakshmanan, U., & Teranishi, K. (1994). Preferences versus grammaticality judgments: Some methadological issues concerning Governing Category Parameter in second language acquisition. In E. Tarone, S. Gass, & A. Cohen (Eds.), Research methodology in second language acquisition (pp. 227-243). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Articles (in journal):
Lyster, R. (2004). Differential effects of prompts and recasts in form-focussed instruction. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26, 399-432.
Hegelheimer V., & Chapelle, C.A. (2000). Methodological issues in research on learner-computer interactions in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 4(1), 41-59. Available at <>
Electronic, online sources:
Gahala, J. (20001). Critical issue: Promoting technology use in schools. North Central Regional Educational Lab. Available at <> (21 March, 2009).
Please note that not all book series published with John Benjamins follow the same style of references. Basically our style follows The Chicago Manual of Style or the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed.) as the above.
Tables, figures and plates
- Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and provided with concise captions (max. 240 characters).
- All figures and tables should be referenced in the text, e.g. (see Figure 5). Please do not use relative indicators such as “see the table below”, or “in this table: ...”.
- If the table or figure is not enclosed in the text file, please indicate the preferred position of the table or figure in the text by inserting a line “
Insert (file name) here” at the appropriate position. It will be placed either at the top or the bottom of the page on which it is mentioned, or on the following page.
- The book will be printed in black & white. Before submitting the material for production, please check carefully whether all illustrations are still meaningful when printed in black & white. If the use of some color figures in your book has been agreed beforehand, please indicate clearly in a separate instruction which tables and/or figures are to be printed in color.
- All tables, plates, and figures eventually have to fit the following text area, either portrait or landscape: 12 cm x 20 cm at 8 pt minimum.
- Notes in tables and figures should not be regular endnotes. Please use a table note or a figure note as in the example below. Standard note indicators in tables are *, **, †, ‡. The note itself is then inserted directly below the table/figure.
- In tables, keep shading to a functional minimum and for individual cells only, not for entire rows or columns.
Appendixes should follow the references section. Please make sure you refer to the appendix in the main text.
Authors receive first proofs for correction, and corrected proofs for final checking and indexing. Please use correction symbols as provided. Proofs must be returned with corrections by the dates determined by the publication schedule.
Collective volume
Contributors to collective volumes will receive proofs of their article for correction and will be requested to return their corrections to the volume editor. The editor will receive one full set of first proofs and after corrections another set of corrected proofs for final checking and indexing. The editor is responsible for checking the corrected proofs against the first proofs to examine if all corrections were implemented correctly. Proofs must be returned with corrections by the dates determined by the publication schedule.
Please indicate corrections that should be implemented throughout only once, with a clear instruction that they should be processed throughout.
If it is absolutely necessary to change larger chunks of text (i.e. more than just a few words), it is best to submit the changes digitally by email. The same holds for updated references. If, for whatever reason existing items in the References section must be redone or new ones inserted, submit these electronically by email.
Please limit corrections to the essential! It is at the publisher’s discretion not to implement substantial changes or to charge the author.
For further queries you may consult The Chicago Manual of Style or the American Psychological Association Manual, or contact your editor.
You will prepare the index after correction of the first proofs at which time we will send you detailed instructions. If you are familiar with index markers you can also add markers to your file before submission. In such a case, please request the index guidelines from us.