History of Linguistics 2017
Selected papers from the 14th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, (ICHoLS 14), Paris, 28 August – 1 September
The present book is a selection of papers from the 14th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (Paris 2017). The volume is divided thematically into three parts: I. Notions and categories, II. Representations and receptions, III. Learning, codification and the linguistic practices of social actors. The first part is especially concerned with data not easily handled by extant traditions of linguistic analysis, and with constructs and perspectives which proved difficult to establish in the linguist’s descriptive apparatus. Part II groups six studies dealing with alternative representations of linguistic data, and matters of interpretation and reception regarding the work of three important linguists (Saussure, Jespersen, Chomsky). The scope of part III embraces social and pedagogical practices as well as the involvement of linguists in questions of national identity.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 127] 2020. xviii, 245 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Foreword and acknowledgements | pp. ix–xii
Editors’ introduction | pp. xiii–xviii
Part I. Notions
Un essai d’histoire comparée de la grammatisation des langues romanes: Le cas de la morphosyntaxe des noms de masse (Renaissance – 17e siècle)Jean-Marie Fournier | pp. 3–20
Linguistic description and language philosophy in Wilhelm von Humboldt’s North American grammarsMicaela Verlato | pp. 21–34
La phrase grammaticale moderne: Retour sur la question des originesAntoine Gautier and Valérie Raby | pp. 35–48
Wegener’s Wortsatz and the notion of sentenceMaria Paola Tenchini | pp. 49–64
Why is it so hard to establish gestalt ideas within linguistics?Alexander M. Teixeira Kalkhoff | pp. 65–78
Part II. Representations of language and reception of theories
Klaproth, Balbi and the language atlasFloris Solleveld | pp. 81–100
Nation and race in the twentieth century scientific discourse on Viking Age runestonesPer Holmberg | pp. 101–112
L’homme dans la langue: Tradition saussurienne et développements phénoménologiquesMarina De Palo | pp. 113–128
Saussure/Mallarmé: autopsie d’un couplagePierre-Yves Testenoire | pp. 129–142
Introducing and translating Otto Jespersen in China in the past 100 years: Embracing, shunning, forgetting and revivingChangliang Qu | pp. 143–156
On the reception and revivification of Cartesian linguisticsMargaret Thomas | pp. 157–170
Part III. Pedagogy, linguistic policy and codification
Greek grammatical learning papyri: Typology, function and formatsPierre Swiggers, Alfons Wouters and Valerie Van Elst | pp. 173–188
The history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) in the history of linguisticsNicola McLelland | pp. 189–204
Sprache der Nähe vs. Sprache der Distanz and the nineteenth century codification of Modern CzechAlena A. Fidlerová | pp. 205–220
Linguists and lawyersDouglas A. Kibbee | pp. 221–236
Name index | pp. 237–240
Subject index | pp. 241–245
Main BIC Subject
CFA: Philosophy of language
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General