Volume 20, Issue 1 (2008)
2008. 208 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 26 May 2008
Published online on 26 May 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Eterio Pajares. 2006. La novela inglesa en traducción al español durante los siglos XVIII y XIX: aproximación bibliográficaReviewed by Marcos Rodríguez Espinosa | pp. 198–199
Skopos and beyond: A critical study of functionalismCelia Martín de León | pp. 1–28
Outlining a new linguistic theory of translationMassimiliano Morini | pp. 29–51
Salim al Dawudi and the beginnings of translation into Arabic of Modern Hebrew LiteratureMahmoud Kayyal | pp. 52–78
Translation technologies: Scope, tools and resourcesAmparo Alcina | pp. 79–102
Translating into a new LSP: The translation of laws in the Republic of CyprusStefanos Vlachopoulos | pp. 103–114
The Circumscribed Infinites Scheme (CIS): A deconstructive approach to translating poetryAdolfo Martín García | pp. 115–134
A missing link in Itamar Even-Zohar’s theoretical thinkingNam Fung Chang | pp. 135–149
Is Translation Studies too much about translation? A reply to Jan BlommaertMichael Boyden | pp. 149–157
Norbert Bachleitner & Michaela Wolf (eds.). 2004. Soziologie der literarischen ÜbersetzungReviewed by Mary Snell-Hornby | pp. 159–163
Dirk Delabastita & Rainier Grutman (eds.). 2005. Fictionalising translation and multilingualismReviewed by Paul Bandia | pp. 164–169
Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres. 2004. Variations sur l’étranger dans les lettresReviewed by Marieke Delahaye | pp. 170–175
Sabine Braun. 2004. Kommunikation unter widrigen Umständen: Fallstudien zu einsprachigen und gedolmetschten VideokonferenzenReviewed by Sylvia Kalina | pp. 176–180
Heidemarie Salevsky (Hrsg.). 2005. Kultur, Interpretation, Translation: Ausgewählte Beiträge aus 15 Jahren ForschungsseminarRezensiert von Michael Schreiber | pp. 181–186
Karin Aijmer & Cecilia Alvstad (eds.). 2005. New tendencies in Translation Studies: Selected papers from a workshop Göteborg 12 December 2003Reviewed by Sara Laviosa | pp. 187–190
Robert France & Kenneth Haynes (eds.). 2006. The Oxford history of literary translation in English, Vol. 4: 1790–1900Reviewed by Armin Paul Frank | pp. 191–194
New books at a glancepp. 195–199
Ann-Mari Gunnesson. 2005. Écrire à deux voix : Eric de Kuyper, auto-traducteurCompte rendu par Rainier Grutman | pp. 195–196
New books at a glanceJean Peeters | p. 197
Eterio Pajares. 2006. La novela inglesa en traducción al español durante los siglos XVIII y XIX: aproximación bibliográficaReviewed by Marcos Rodríguez Espinosa | pp. 198–199
Other books receivedpp. 201–202
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