TASK | Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning

Main information
ORCID logoKris Van den Branden | KU Leuven | task at kuleuven.be
ORCID logoKoen Van Gorp | Michigan State University | KU Leuven | task at kuleuven.be

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Dimensions

TASK is an international refereed journal dedicated to promoting and disseminating scholarship and research in the field of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and learning. The journal welcomes reports of empirical studies, ground-breaking theoretical articles, critical position papers and practioner papers on task-based language teaching and learning as it occurs both inside and outside the language classroom. The journal aims to bridge the gap between theory and praxis and support the development of TBLT as a researched pedagogy.
ISSN: 2666-1748 | E-ISSN: 2666-1756
DOI logo

Volume 4 (2024)

Volume 3 (2023)

Volume 2 (2022)

Volume 1 (2021)

Special Section Editor
ORCID logoLaura Gurzynski-Weiss | Indiana University
Editorial Manager
Goedele Vandommele | KU Leuven
Editorial Board
ORCID logoMelissa Baralt | Florida International University
Sandro Barros | Michigan State University
ORCID logoLara Bryfonski | Georgetown University
Martin Bygate | Lancaster University
Julie Carver | Georgia State University
ORCID logoDustin Crowther | University of Hawai'i at Manoa
William Dunn | University of Alberta
ORCID logoMartin East | University of Auckland
ORCID logoCarolien Frijns | Ghent University
ORCID logoRoger Gilabert | University of Barcelona
ORCID logoMarta González-Lloret | University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Marrit van de Guchte | University of Amsterdam
ORCID logoLaura Gurzynski-Weiss | Indiana University
Barbara Hinger | University of Graz
ORCID logoEva Kartchava | Carlton University
ORCID logoYouJin Kim | Georgia State University
Felix Kronenberg | Michigan State University
ORCID logoShawn Loewen | Michigan State University
ORCID logoAleksandra Malicka | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
ORCID logoMarije C. Michel | University of Groningen
Andreas Müller-Hartmann | Pädagogische Hochschule, Heidelberg
ORCID logoJonathan Newton | Victoria University of Wellington
John M. Norris | Educational Testing Service
Leila Ranta | University of Alberta
ORCID logoAndrea Révész | University College London
Kristin Rock | University of Hawai'i at Manoa
ORCID logoShoko Sasayama | Educational Testing Service
Ellen Johnson Serafini | George Mason University
ORCID logoNatsuko Shintani | Kobe Gakuin University
ORCID logoVera Trager | University of Barcelona
Piet Van Avermaet | Ghent University
ORCID logoMarieke Vanbuel | KU Leuven
Elke Van Steendam | KU Leuven
Subscription Info
Current issue: 4:2, available as of December 2024

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 5 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 300 pp. EUR 188.00 EUR 241.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 60.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

Available back-volumes

Online-only Print + online
Complete backset
(Vols. 1‒4; 2021‒2024)
8 issues;
1,200 pp.
EUR 717.00 EUR 808.00
Volume 4 (2024) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 183.00 EUR 219.00
Volume 3 (2023) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 178.00 EUR 199.00
Volumes 1‒2 (2021‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 300 pp. EUR 178.00 per volume EUR 195.00 per volume

Instructions for Authors

  1. Submissions should focus on task-based language learning and education. The journal welcomes reports of empirical studies, critical position papers and ground-breaking theoretical articles. Reports of empirical studies can report on quantitative as well as qualitative studies. The journal welcomes manuscripts on task-based language learning and teaching that reach well beyond the regular language classroom. Themes such as content-and-language-integrated learning, language across the curriculum, interdisciplinary projects, project-based learning, the link between language skills and the development of 21st –century competences will be explored from a TBLT perspective. Likewise, the many ways in which second language learners can learn languages outside school in a task-based way will be explored in our journal.
  2. Submissions should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Submissions that do not follow the APA style or that do not correspond to the focus of the journal will be returned to authors without review.
  3. Contributions must be in standard English. Spelling should be either American English or British English and should be consistent throughout the paper. If not written by a native speaker, it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker prior to submission.
  4. All articles published in this journal are double-blind peer reviewed.
  5. For initial submission, authors should submit their manuscript in electronic form in Word only, double-spaced with 3 cm/1 inch margins. Authors must provide a concise and informative title of the article; the name, affiliation, address and e-mail address of each author; a self-contained abstract in English (not exceeding 125 words) that should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references, and five keywords following the abstract.
  6. Submissions should be approximately 7,000 to maximally 10,000 words long, including references, tables/figures, notes, appendices.
  7. Authors are responsible for observing copyright laws when quoting or reproducing material. Authors must ensure that they have permission to use any third-party material in their contribution; the permission should include perpetual (not time-limited) world-wide distribution in print and electronic format. The copyright of articles published in the journal is held by the publisher. Permission for the author to use the article elsewhere will be granted by the publisher provided full acknowledgement is given to the source.
  8. Papers should be reasonably divided into sections and, if appropriate, subsections. Use a clear system of headings (without numbers), preferably with not more than two levels of heading.
  9. References and quotations: Any quotation that runs for more than two lines should be set off from the main paragraph and does not need quotation marks. In-text references should appear in the body of the article, not in footnotes, giving the author's last name followed by the year and page number where relevant. A work up to five authors should include all names in the first citation, with only the first author followed by et al. in subsequent citations; work by six or more authors should use et al. in all citations.
  10. Line drawings (FIGURES) should be submitted as reproducible originals. They should be numbered consecutively, and appropriate captions should be provided. Reference to any FIGURES should be given in the appropriate place where they should appear.
  11. TABLES should be numbered consecutively and should be referred to in the main text. TABLES should be created with Word's table function, not as spreadsheets.
  12. NOTES should appear as ENDNOTES and should be concise, kept to a minimum, and numbered consecutively throughout the paper.

TASK offers online submission .

Please consult the guidelines and the Short Guide to EM for Authors before you submit your paper.

Please contact the editors by e-mail: task at kuleuven.be


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Authors and reviewers are kindly requested to read this Ethics Statement .

Please also note the guidance on the use of (generative) AI in the statement.

Rights and Permissions

Authors must ensure that they have permission to use any third-party material in their contribution; the permission should include perpetual (not time-limited) world-wide distribution in print and electronic format.

For information on authors' rights, please consult the rights information page.

Open Access

Articles accepted for this journal can be made Open Access through payment of an Article Publication Charge (APC) of EUR 1800 (excl. tax). To arrange this, please contact openaccess at benjamins.nl once your paper has been accepted for publication. More information can be found on the publisher's Open Access Policy page.

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For information about permission to post a version of your article online or in an institutional repository ('green' open access or self-archiving), please consult the rights information page.

If the article is not (to be made) Open Access, there is no fee for the author to publish in this journal.


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Main BIC Subject

CJA: Language teaching theory & methods

Main BISAC Subject

LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching